Introductions to abstract interpretation |
Surveys and position papers on abstract interpretation |
Foundations of abstract interpretation |
Galois connections |
Widening/narrowing and their duals |
Numerical abstract domains |
Symbolic abstract domains |
Logical abstract domains |
Combination of abstractions, abstract domain functors |
(Higher-order) procedure, function and module abstract interpretation |
Resolution-based abstract interpretation |
Concurrency abstract interpretation |
Termination abstract interpretation |
Probabilistic abstract interpretation |
Syntax, parsing, and abstract interpretation |
Semantics and abstract interpretation |
Verification and abstract interpretation |
Program proving and abstract interpretation |
Typing and abstract interpretation |
Static program analysis and abstract interpretation |
Code contracts static verification and inference |
Model checking and abstract interpretation |
Abstraction refinement |
Semi-definite programming and abstract interpretation |
Control/command and abstract interpretation |
Program testing and abstract interpretation |
Program transformation and abstract interpretation |
Steganography and abstract interpretation |
Security and abstract interpretation |
Formal methods and abstract interpretation |
Pedagogical abstract interpretation-based software |
Design of static analyzers |
Industrialized abstract interpretation-based software |
Mathematics |
Early work on the syntax, operational semantics and implementation of programming languages |