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Please note - This assignment is will be graded by Prof Thain based on your study of the literary content.

This project is designed to help you learn HTML/xHTML and CSS. Please select an author, poet, or playwright and build a scholarly or teaching website about that author containing images, links to the author's writings, information about the author, a brief bibliography and any other information you believe would be useful.

  1. Preparation - due Monday 10/21/2013
  2. Working on your sites - a draft is due on Monday 11/11/2013; we will continue working on the sites through the end of the semester and students will present their sites to the class in the last week of the class.
  3. Writing a technical summary and "about" page for your site

Please note - This project will be graded by Prof Marion Thain regarding the site content and scholarly literary study; and will be graded by Prof Deena Engel regarding the implementation of your site (WordPress, CSS, PHP and related skills).

  1. Project description and resources