Faculty Achievements

For student achievements please see the Undergraduate, Master's, and Ph.D. achievement pages.

Major Awards

Academy Award for Technical Achievement: Kenneth Perlin (1997)

Guggenheim Fellowship: Richard Cole (1988)

Humboldt Prize: Patrick Cousot (2008)

IEEE John von Neumann Award: Patrick Cousot (2017)

IMU Rolf Nevanlinna Prize: Subhash Khot (2014)

Knight of the Legion of Honor: Yann LeCun

MacArthur Fellow: Subhash Khot (2016)

NSF Alan T. Waterman Award: Subhash Khot (2010)

Turing Award: Yann LeCun (2019)

Academy Membership

Academia Europaea (Informatics Section): Patrick Cousot (2006), Chee Yap (2019)

American Academy of Arts & Science: Marsha Berger, Margaret Wright

European Academy of Sciences: Zvi Kedem

Fellow of the Royal Society: Subhash Khot (2017)

French Academy of Sciences: Yann LeCun (2021)

London Mathematical Society, Honorary Member: Margaret Wright (2013)

National Academy of Engineering: Marsha Berger (2005), Yann LeCun (2017), Theodore Rappaport (2021), Margaret Wright

National Academy of Engineering of Korea: Kyunghyun Cho (2022)

National Academy of Inventors: Bhubaneswar Mishra (2017), Kenneth Perlin (2016), Theodore Rappaport (2019), Dennis Shasha (2023)

National Academy of Sciences: Marsha Berger, Subhash Khot (2023), Yann LeCun (2021), Margaret Wright (2005)

Awards for Research and Education

ACM Computer Graphics Achievement Award: Denis Zorin (2019)

ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award: Juliana Freire (2020), Dennis Shasha (2020)

Armstrong Medal: Theodore Rappaport (2018)

ASEE Frederick Emmons Terman Award for outstanding electrical engineering educator: Theodore Rappaport

Bell Labs Fellow: Margaret Wright (1999)

Carnegie Corporation 'Great Immigrant' award: Yann LeCun (2024)

Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Bronze medal: Julia Kempe

CNRS Silver Medal (Centre national de la recherche scientifique): Patrick Cousot

EADS Foundation Award: Patrick Cousot (2006)

EATCS Award: Patrick Cousot (2022)

French Order of Merit: Julia Kempe

French Woman in Gold Prize for Research: Julia Kempe

IBM Faculty Award: Richard Cole (1984), Yevgeniy Dodis (2005), Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2009), Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2010), Denis Zorin (2001), Denis Zorin (2002), Denis Zorin (2004)

IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award: Yann LeCun (2014)

IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award: Theodore Rappaport (2015)

IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills Award: Patrick Cousot (2014)

IEEE Distinguished Contributor: Mohamed Zahran (2021)

IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award: Theodore Rappaport (2020)

IEEE PAMI (Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) Distinguished Researcher Award: Yann LeCun (2015)

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, James R. Evans Avant Garde award: Theodore Rappaport (2002)

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society - Stuart F. Meyer Award: Theodore Rappaport (2005)

IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award: Claudio Silva (2014)

IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education: Theodore Rappaport (2012)

IET Sir Monty Finniston Award for Achievement in Engineering and Technology: Theodore Rappaport (2011)

Industrial Research Institute Medal: Yann LeCun (2018)

Irène Joliot-Curie Prize of the French government: Julia Kempe

Lovie Award for Lifetime Achievement, International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences: Yann LeCun (2016)

New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame inductee: Yann LeCun (2016)

Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS): Marsha Berger (2018)

NSF Presidential Faculty Fellowship: Theodore Rappaport (1992)

Ordre des Palmes Academiques, Chevalier: Patrick Cousot

Ordre National du Mérite: Patrick Cousot

Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research: Yann LeCun (2022)

research.com Computer Science in United States Leader Award: Theodore Rappaport (2023)

research.com Electronics and Electrical Engineering in United States Leader Award: Theodore Rappaport (2023)

Samsung AI Researcher of the Year: Kyunghyun Cho (2020)

Samsung Ho-Am Prize in Engineering: Kyunghyun Cho (2021)

SIAM John von Neumann Prize: Margaret Wright (2019)

SIGGRAPH Achievement Award: Kenneth Perlin (2008)

SIGPLAN Achievement Award: Patrick Cousot (2013)

Simons Foundation Investigator: Subhash Khot (2015), Oded Regev (2019)

Time Magazine Time100 Impact Award: Yann LeCun (2023)

TrapCode Award for Achievement in Computer Graphics Research: Kenneth Perlin (2007)

Wireless History Foundation Wirelss Hall of Fame: Theodore Rappaport (2019)

Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, Award for Outstanding Contributions to Wireless Communications: Theodore Rappaport (2015)

Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, Outstanding Educator Award: Theodore Rappaport (2015)

Awards for Scientific Papers

ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Outstanding Achievement in High -Performance Computing: Denis Zorin (2010)

ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Best Paper Award: Denis Zorin (2006)

AIStats, Notable Paper: Rajesh Ranganath (2023)

Best papers in 25 years of International Symposia on Computer Architecture: Allan Gottlieb (1998)

Computer Aided Geometric Design, Most cited paper award: Denis Zorin (2010)

Computers and Graphics Journal, Associate Editor of the Year: Daniele Panozzo (2017)

Eurocrypt, Best Paper Award: Oded Regev (2006)

Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Geometry Processing, Best Paper Award (First Place): Denis Zorin (2010)

Gödel Prize: Oded Regev (2018)

IACR Test of Time Award: Yevgeniy Dodis (2019)

IBM Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Prize: Subhash Khot (2005)

ICML, Outstanding Paper: Andrew Gordon Wilson (2022)

IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper: Theodore Rappaport (1999)

IEEE Computer Society Best Paper Award: Zvi Kedem (1995)

IEEE Conference on Big Data and Analytics, Best Presentation Award: Anasse Bari (2019), Anasse Bari (2021), Anasse Bari (2024), Mohamed Zahran (2021)

IEEE Donald G. Fink Award: Theodore Rappaport (2015)

IEEE Electronic Letters, Best Paper: Theodore Rappaport (1992)

IEEE ICC Wireless Communications Symposium, Best Paper: Theodore Rappaport (2015)

IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, Best Paper Award: Bhubaneswar Mishra (2017)

IEEE Longuet-Higgins Prize: Rob Fergus (2013)

IEEE Spring Vehicular Technology Conference, Best Paper: Theodore Rappaport (2016)

INFORMS Computing Society Prize: Michael Overton (2018)

International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Best Contributor: Yevgeniy Dodis (1999)

International Conference on Parallel Processing, Most Original Paper: Allan Gottlieb (1981)

International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Best Paper: Kyunghyun Cho (2017)

International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), Best Paper: Thomas Wies (2019)

International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, Best Paper: Yevgeniy Dodis (2005)

Intl. Conference on Computational Science, Best Main Track Paper Award: Bhubaneswar Mishra (2017)

Lester Ford Award (Mathematical Association of America): Joel Spencer (1984), Chee Yap (2009)

Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation - 29th International Symposium (LOPSTR): Patrick Cousot (2019)

Neal Shepherd Propagation Prize: Theodore Rappaport (2017)

NeurIPS, Best Paper, Datasets and Benchmarks Track: He He (2024)

NSDI Best Paper Award (Networked Systems Design and Implementation): Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2004)

NVIDIA Pioneer award: Kyunghyun Cho (2018)

OOPSLA Best Paper Award (Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications): Thomas Wies (2014)

OSDI Best Paper Award (Operating Systems, Design, and Implementation): Aurojit Panda (2023)

Privacy Enhancing Technology Award, USENIX Security Symposium: Joseph Bonneau (2017)

RSS Best Student Paper Prize: Lerrel Pinto (2023)

Savage Award: Rajesh Ranganath (2019)

SIAM Outstanding Paper: Subhash Khot (2008)

SIGCHI, Best Paper Award: Kenneth Perlin (2012)

SIGCOMM 2017, Best Paper Award: Anirudh Sivaraman (2017)

SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Award: Anirudh Sivaraman (2017)

SIGSPATIAL 10-Year Impact Award: Daniele Panozzo (2018)

SOSP Best Paper Award (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles): Michael Walfish (2017)

STOC, 20-year Test of Time Award: Oded Regev (2023)

STOC, Best Paper Award: Oded Regev (2003)

Supercomputing, Best Paper Award: Marsha Berger (2005)

Symposium of Geometry Processing Dataset Award: Daniele Panozzo (2019), Denis Zorin (2019)

Symposium on Geometry Processing Best Paper Award: Daniele Panozzo (2014)

Awards for Software Contributions

AI Breakthrough Award for Best Use of AI for Authentication: Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2018)

Edison award: Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2018)

IEEE Fernbach Award: Marsha Berger (2004)

Symposium on Geometry Processing Software Award: Daniele Panozzo (2015)

Honorary Degrees

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Doctorate honoris causa: Yann LeCun (2018)

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Doctor of Engineering honoris causa: Yann LeCun (2023)

Honorary Doctorate in Computer Science, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia: Patrick Cousot (2022)

Instituto Politecnico Nacional de Mexico, Doctorate honoris causa: Yann LeCun (2016)

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden Honorary Doctor of Technology: Margaret Wright (2008)

Università di Siena, Doctorate honoris causa: Yann LeCun (2023)

Université de Nice - Côte d'Azur, Honorary Doctorate: Yann LeCun (2022)

University of Waterloo, Doctorate in Mathematics honoris causa: Margaret Wright (2003)

New York City and State Recognition

Blavatnik Award Finalist: Denis Zorin

Distinguished Science Advisor, New York Hall of Science: Dennis Shasha (2009)

New York City Mayor's Award for Excellence in Science and Technology: Kenneth Perlin

NYSTAR Distinguished Professor Award: Bhubaneswar Mishra (2001)

NSF CAREER and Presidential Young Investigator Awards

Award Recipients: Marsha Berger, Joseph Bonneau (2023), Joan Bruna (2019), Yevgeniy Dodis, Rob Fergus, Davi Geiger, Subhash Khot, Jinyang Li, Daniel Neill (2010), Aurojit Panda (2022), Daniele Panozzo (2017), Benjamin Peherstorfer (2021), Kenneth Perlin, Rajesh Ranganath (2023), Theodore Rappaport, Anirudh Sivaraman (2024), Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Michael Walfish (2011), Thomas Wies, Andrew Gordon Wilson (2022), Denis Zorin

NYU Recognition

Glen de Vries Chair: Kyunghyun Cho (2025)

Jacob T. Schwartz Chair: Yann LeCun

Margaret and Herman Sokol Faculty Award in the Sciences: Marsha Berger (2000), Kenneth Perlin (2002)

NYU CAS Golden Dozen Teaching Award: Anasse Bari (2022), Deena Engel (2006), Benjamin Goldberg (1992), Craig Kapp (2023), Joel Spencer (2007)

NYU CAS Graduation Distinguished Faculty Speaker: Anasse Bari (2023)

NYU CAS Innovation Teaching Award: Amos Bloomberg (2023), Matthew Zeidenberg (2024)

NYU CAS Outstanding Teaching Award: Deena Engel (2001), Craig Kapp (2013)

NYU CAS Teach/Tech Award: Deena Engel (2016), Craig Kapp (2016), Craig Kapp (2019)

NYU Professional International Solidarity Award: Anasse Bari (2023)

Samuel L. Marateck Prize for Outstanding Teaching in Computer Science: Anasse Bari (2020), Joshua Clayton (2024), Deena Engel (2014), Craig Kapp (2016), Joanna Klukowska (2022), Alan Siegel (2018)

Silver Professorships: Marsha Berger, Richard Cole, Patrick Cousot, Julia Kempe, Subhash Khot, Yann LeCun, Michael Overton, Oded Regev (2022), Dennis Shasha, Joel Spencer, Margaret Wright, Denis Zorin

Recognition for Young Scientists

Air Force Young Investigator Award: Benjamin Peherstorfer (2020), Michael Walfish (2010)

Business Insider, 30 Leaders Under 40 Changing Healthcare: Kyunghyun Cho (2023)

CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar: Kyunghyun Cho (2017)

C.V. Ramamoorthy Award: Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (2005)

Eurographics Association Young Researcher Award: Daniele Panozzo (2015)

Eurographics Junior Fellow: Daniele Panozzo (2017)

Intel Early Career Honor Program: Michael Walfish (2012)

Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research: Julia Kempe, Oded Regev (2005)

Microsoft New Faculty Fellowship: Subhash Khot (2005)

Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering: Lerrel Pinto (2023)

Sloan Foundation Fellowships: Joan Bruna (2018), Rob Fergus, Subhash Khot, Jinyang Li, Daniele Panozzo (2020), Lerrel Pinto (2025), Joel Spencer, Michael Walfish (2012), Denis Zorin

Technology Review, 35 Innovators Under 35: Lerrel Pinto (2023)

Service to the Scientific Community

Award for Distinguished Public Service, American Mathematical Society: Margaret Wright (2001)

Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award: Zvi Kedem (2013)

President, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Margaret Wright (1995-1996)

Society Fellows

ACM Fellow: Richard Cole (1998), Patrick Cousot (2020), Juliana Freire (2014), Allan Gottlieb (2004), Zvi Kedem (1997), Yann LeCun (2023), Bhubaneswar Mishra (2007), Theodore Rappaport (1998), Dennis Shasha (2013), Denis Zorin (2023)

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow: Juliana Freire (2021), Yann LeCun (2021), Bhubaneswar Mishra (2010)

American Mathematical Society Fellow: Joel Spencer (2012), Margaret Wright (2012)

Association for Computational Linguistics Fellow: Ralph Grishman (2017)

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellow: Yann LeCun (2020)

IEEE Fellow: Zvi Kedem (2007), Bhubaneswar Mishra (2009)

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (UK) Fellow: Michael Overton

Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Fellow: Margaret Wright (2002)

International Association for Cryptologic Research Fellow: Yevgeniy Dodis (2020)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fellow: Marsha Berger (2009), Michael Overton (2009), Joel Spencer (2017), Margaret Wright (2009)