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5.11 Sectioning

The sectioning commands \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph, and \subparagraph are recognized by Hyperlatex and used to partition the document into nodes. You can also use the starred version and the optional argument for the sectioning commands. The optional argument will be used for node titles and in menus. Hyperlatex can number your sections if you set the counter secnumdepth appropriately. The default is not to number any sections. For instance, if you use this in the preamble
chapters, sections, subsections, and subsubsections will be numbered.

You will probably sooner or later want to start an HTML node without a heading, or maybe with a bitmap before the main heading. This can be done by leaving the argument to the sectioning command empty. (You can still use the optional argument to set the title of the HTML node.) Do not use \htmlimage inside the argument of the sectioning command. The right way to start a document with an image is the following:

\T\section{An example of a node starting with an image}
\W\section[Node with Image]{}
\W\htmlheading[1]{An example of a node starting with an image}
The \htmlheading command creates a heading in the HTML output just as \section does, but without starting a new node. The optional argument has to be a number from 1 to 6, and specifies the level of the heading (in article style, level 1 corresponds to \section, level 2 to \subsection, and so on).

You can use the commands \protect and \noindent. They will be ignored in the HTML-version.

Otfried Schwarzkopf, September 2, 1997

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