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3 About the Html output

Hyperlatex will automatically partition your input file into separate HTML files, using the sectioning commands in the input. It attaches buttons and menus to every HTML file, so that the reader can walk through your document and can easily find the information that she is looking for. (Note that HTML documentation usually calls a single HTML file a "document". In this manual we take the LaTeX point of view, and call "document" what is enclosed in a document environment. We will use the term node for the individual HTML files.) You may want to experiment a bit with this manual. You'll find that every \section and \subsection command starts a new node. The HTML node of a section that contains subsections contains a menu whose entries lead you to the subsections. Furthermore, every HTML node has three buttons: Next, Previous, and Up.

The Next button leads you to the next section at the same level. That means that if you are looking at the node for the section "Getting started," the Next button takes you to "Conditional Compilation," not to "Preparing an input file" (the first subsection of "Getting started"). If you are looking at the last subsection of a section, there will be no Next button, and you have to go Up again, before you can step further. This makes it easy to browse quickly through one level of detail, while only delving into the lower levels when you become interested. (It is possible to change this behavior so that the Next button always leads to the next piece of text.)

If you look at this manual, you'll find that there is one special node that acts as the entry point to the manual, and as the parent for all its sections. This node is called the top node. Everything between \begin{document} and the first sectioning command (such as \section or \chapter) goes into the top node.

An HTML file needs a title. The default title is "Untitled", you can set it to something more meaningful in the preamble1 of your document using the \htmltitle command. You should use something not too long, but useful. (The HTML title is often displayed by browsers in the window header, and is used in history lists or bookmark files.) The title you specify is used directly for the top node of your document. The other nodes get a title composed of this and the section heading.

It is common practice to put a short notice at the end of every HTML node, with a reference to the author and possibly the date of creation. You can do this by using the \htmladdress command in the preamble, like this:

   \htmladdress{Otfried Schwarzkopf, \today}

Otfried Schwarzkopf, September 2, 1997

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