• Bibliographic reference:
    \newblock Software Verification by Abstract Interpretation 
              and the \textsc{As\-tr{\'e}e} Static Analyzer.
    \newblock \emph{Seminar}, Computer Science Department, State 
              University of New York at Stony Brook, USA.
              January 18${^\mathrm{th}}$ 2008.
       author =    {P{.} Cousot},
       title =     {Software Verification by Abstract Interpretation 
                    and the \textsc{As\-tr{\'e}e} Static Analyzer},
       booktitle = {Seminar, Computer Science Department},
       address =   {State University of New York at Stony Brook\USA},
       month =     {18 January},
       year =      {2008},

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    Last modified: Thursday, 05-Jul-2007 13:25:44 CEST