• Bibliographic reference:
    P.~Cousot \& R.~Cousot.
    \newblock Combination of abstractions in the \textsc{Astr\'ee} Static Analyzer.
    \newblock \emph{Eighth annual IBM Programming Language Day}, 
             Hawthorne, NY, USA, May 7${^\mathrm{th}}$ 2007.
       author =    {P{.} Cousot and R{.} Cousot},
       title =     {Combination of abstractions in the \textsc{Astr\'ee} Static Analyzer},
       booktitle = {Eighth annual IBM Programming Language Day},
       address =   {Hawthorne, NY, USA},
       month =     {May 7${^\mathrm{th}}$},
       year =      2007,

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    Last modified: Monday, 07-May-2012 17:51:05 EDT