\bibitem{Cousot07-EMSOFT} P. Cousot. \newblock Proving the Absence of Run-Time Errors in Safety-Critical Avionics Code. \newblock In \emph{Embedded Systems Week}, \emph{Proceedings of the Seventh ACM \& IEEE International Conference on Embedded Sofware, (EMSOFT 2007)}, C.\ Kirsch and R.\ Wilhelm (Eds), pages 7--9, Salzburg, Austria, Sep.\ 30 -- Oct.\ 3, 2007, ACM press. @inproceedings{Cousot07-EMSOFT, author = {P{.} Cousot}, title = {Proving the Absence of Run-Time Errors in Safety-Critical Avionics Code}, pages = {7--9}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh ACM \& IEEE International Conference on Embedded Sofware, Embedded Systems Week, (EMSOFT 2007)}, editor = {C.\ Kirsch and R.\ Wilhelm}, address = {Salzburg, Austria}, publisher = {ACM press}, month = sep # " 30 -- " # oct # " 3", year = 2007, }
Friday, 04-May-2012 16:37:18 EDT