Ngô Thanh Nhàn
Computational Linguist

Linguistic String Project
Courant Computer Science Department
New York University
40 West 135th Street, Suite #1S
New York, New York 10037
Tel: +1 646 660-4033

Last edited March 22, 2012

Research in Computational Linguistics

Contact me for more information.


  1. A natural language oriented XML medical knowledge representation for free text clinical documents, by Ngô Thanh Nhàn, PhD, David Rothwell, MD, Richard W. Wheeler, MD & Naomi Sager, PhD. Submitted to Model Formulation section of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, February 2008. Under review.
  2. An XML Medical Knowledge Lexicon, by David Rothwell, MD, Richard Wheeler, MD and Ngo Thanh Nhan. New York: Medical Language Processing. 1,126 pp. January 2006.
  3. Medical Language Processing and the CDA. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on the Clinical Document Architecture, October 20-22, 2004 in Acapulco, Mexico.
  4. The computability of strings, transformations, and sublanguage, in The legacy of Zellig Harris: Language and information into the 21st Century, ed. by Bruce E Nevin and Stephen Johnson. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam/Philadelphia. Volume 2:79-120.
  5. XML and NLP at Work, with David Rothwell, MD, and Richard Wheeler, MD. Paper presented at the Toward Electronic Patient Records Annual Conference TEPR 2000, Section Data Warehouse and Mining, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, May 9-11, 2000 (TEPR 2000).
  6. XML and the Structured Health Markup Language, with Robert Bruegel, PhD. and David Rothwell, MD. Paper presented at the HOST Winter Meeting, Implement Solutions [Healthcare Open Systems & Trials], Hotel Washington, Washington DC, December 9-4, 1998.
  7. Medical Language Processing applied to extract clinical information from Dutch medical documents, with Peter Spyns, Naomi Sager, Eric Baert and Georges De Moor (Division of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Gent, Belgium), in C. Cesnik, C. Safran & P. Degoulet (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress Medical Informatics (MEDINFO'98). Pp. 685-689.
  8. Dutch sublanguage semantic tagging combined with markup technology, with Peter Spyns, Naomi Sager, Eric Baert and Georges De Moor (Division of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Gent, Belgium). Presented at the Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97). Washington, DC, March 31-April 3, 1997.
  9. Medical Language Processing with SGML display, with Naomi Sager, Margaret Lyman and Leo J Tick. JAMIA: Proceedings of the 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium (Washington, DC. Oct 26-30, 1996. Hanley & Belfus. Pp. 547-551.
  10. Language processing and mark-up technology in medicine: an experiment applied to Dutch, with Peter Spyns (Division of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Gent, Belgium), Eric Baert, Naomi Sager and Georges De Moor. Paper presented at the Congress of the Belgian Association for Medical Informatics, Belgium. June 1996.
  11. A model for distributed vocabulary translation, with Christopher Cimino (Computer Based Education, Albert Einstein College of Medicine), Jiri Schindler, Peter Szolovits (Clinical Decision Making Group, MIT) and Isaac Kohane (Boston Children's Hospital Informatics Program). Poster presentation, JAMIA: Proceedings of the 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium (Washington, DC. Oct 26-30, 1996. Hanley & Belfus. P. 837.
  12. Medical text: Linguistic resources with SGML display, with N Sager, M Lyman and LJ Tick. Paper in preparation for the 19th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications of Medical Care (SCAMC19), Washington, D.C. Nov. 1995.
  13. Computer analysis of clinical narrative: why, how, what, when, with N Sager, M Lyman and LJ Tick. Paper presented at The Symposium on "Language and Voice Technology in HealthCare", MEDI Working Group of the BIRA (Belgisch Institut voor Regeltechniek en Automatisering). Gent, Belgium, Feb 22, 1995.
  14. Automatic encoding into SNOMED III: A preliminary investigation, with N Sager, M Lyman and LJ Tick. In: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications of Medical Care (SCAMC18), Washington, D.C. Nov. 5-9, 1994, pp. 230-234. Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
  15. Medical Language Processing: Applications to Patient Data Representation and Automatic Encoding, with N Sager, M Lyman and LJ Tick. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Medical Informatics Association, Working Group 6 (IMIA WG 6), Geneva, Switzerland, May 29-June 1, 1994. In Methods of Information in Medicine (1995).
  16. Natural language processing and the representation of clinical data, with N Sager, M Lyman, C Bucknall and L J Tick. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1.2 (3-4.1994):144-160. Hanley & Belfus, Inc. (March 1994)
  17. Natural Language Processing of Asthma Discharge Summaries for the Monitoring of Patient Care, with N Sager, M Lyman, LJ Tick and C Bucknall. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications of Medical Care (SCAMC17), Washington, D.C., Oct 30-Nov 3, pp. 265-268. (November 1993)
  18. Clinical Knowledge Bases From Natural Language Patient Documents, with N Sager, M Lyman, LJ Tick, F Borst and J-R Scherrer, in MEDINFO 92, Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Medical Informatics, ed. by KC Lun et al., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland. Pp. 1375-1381. (September 1992)
  19. TEXTINFO: A Tool For Automatic Determination of Patient Clinical Profiles Using Text Analysis, with F Borst, M Lyman, LJ Tick, N Sager and J-R Scherrer. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications of Medical Care (SCAMC15), McGraw Hill. (November 1991)
  20. The Application of Natural-Language Processing to Healthcare Quality Assessment, with M Lyman, N Sager, LJ Tick, F Borst and J-R Scherrer. In: Medical Decisioning Making 11, #4 Supplement, pp. S65-S68. (1991)
  21. A Medical Language Processor for Two Indo-European Languages, with N Sager, M Lyman, LJ Tick, F Borst and Su-Yun. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (SCAMC13), LC Kingsland, ed. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 554-558. (1989) Click for a pdf version.
  22. Analyse Automatique de Comptes Rendus d'Hospitalisation, with F Borst, N Sager, Su-Yun, M Lyman, LJ Tick, C Reveillard, EC Chi et J-R Scherrer. In: Informatique et Santé, Informatique et Gestion des Unités de Soins, Comptes Rendus du Colloque AIM-IF, Paris, 1989, P Degoulet, J-C Stephan, A Venot et P-J Yvon, Rédacteurs. Paris, Springer-Verlag, pp. 246-256. (1989)
  23. Medical Language Processing for Knowledge Representation and Retrievals, with M Lyman, N Sager, EC Chi, LJ Tick, Su-Yun, F Borst and J-R Scherrer. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC13), LC Kingsland, ed. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 548-553. (1989)
  24. Cost Containment and Quality of Care Assessment: By-Product of a Fully Integrated HIS Handling Free Text Analysis of Discharge Summaries, with F Borst, N Sager, M Lyman, LJ Tick, C Reveillard, Su-Yun and J-R Scherrer. Poster presentation MEDINFO89. (1989)
  25. Adapting a Medical Language Processor from English to French, with N Sager, M Lyman, LJ Tick, F Borst, C Reveillard, Su-Yun and J-R Scherrer, MEDINFO89: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Medical Informatics. Elsevier Science Publishers B.F., North Holland. (1989)
  26. Discovery procedures for sublanguage selectional patterns: Initial experiments, R Grishman, L Hirschman, and Ngô Thanh Nhàn. Computational Linguistics 12.3: 205-215. (July 1986)
  27. Model-based analysis of messages about equipment, by R Grishman, T Ksiezyk, & Ngô Thanh Nhàn. PROTEUS Project Memorandum No. 2, NYU Computer Department Technical Report No. 236 (April 1986). Also in ACL Anthology: Strategic Computing: Natural Language Workshop, Marina Del Rey, CA, May 1-2, 1986.
  28. Automated determination of sublanguage syntactic usage, by R Grishman, Ngô Thanh Nhàn, E Marsh and L Hirschman. In: Proceedings of COLING 84 (Tenth International Conference of Computational Linguistics), Stanford, California. (July 1984)
  29. Tuning Natural Language Grammars for New Domains, with R Grishman and E Marsh. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machines, Rochester, Michigan. (April 1984)
  30. Resolution of Noun Phrase Anaphora, with R Grishman, presented at the Linguistic Society of America ACL 1981 Annual Meeting, New York. (December 1981)

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