Announcements will be posted here.
- 5/2: Final will be closed book, but you can bring TWO two-sided sheets of notes
As with the midterm, you may bring notes. Note that whereas for the midterm you had ONE two-sided sheet, for the final, you may bring TWO two-sided sheets, for a total of four sides of printing. As with the midterm, we have formatting requirements for each sheet. Here they are: Times New Roman font, minimum 10 point font, minimum 1 inch margins on all sides, maximum 55 lines per side (which is a busy single-spaced sheet). Do not exceed 1 inch margins, even if it means that you cannot fit 55 lines per side. If you use handwriting, same deal: your handwriting should be no smaller than 10pt, your margins should be at least 1 inch, etc., etc. - 4/6: Lab 5 released
It's due Friday, April 29. - 3/21: Midterm solutions and distribution posted
Solutions to the midterm are posted on the exams page. The distribution of scores on the exam is here. - 3/20: March 23 reading updated
If you have already done the reading for Wednesday's class, please note that the link on our schedule page to Chapter 23 was previously pointing to the wrong version of the chapter. The link has been updated to point to the right version. Apologies for any confusion. - 3/6: Lab 4 released
It's due Friday, April 8. - 3/2: Midterm will be closed book, but you can bring one two-sided sheet of notes
The formatting requirements on this sheet are as follows: Times New Roman font, minimum 10 point font, minimum 1 inch margins on all sides, maximum 55 lines per side, printing on two sides acceptable. Do not exceed 1 inch margins, even if it means that you cannot fit 55 lines per side. If you use handwriting, same deal: your handwriting should be no smaller than 10pt, your margins should be at least 1 inch, etc., etc. We will check these sheets during the exam. - 3/2: Past exams posted
They are on the exams page. - 2/17: Lab 3 released
It's due Friday, March 4. - 2/11: Final exam day and time announced.
The registrar has announced final exam slots. Ours will be Wednesday, May 11, 4:00-5:50 PM. The location will be announced later. - 2/05: Change in POC assignments
If your net id is between jg6666 and ls5555, then your POCs have changed, from Panchi and Bailey to MichaelM and Khanh. - 2/02: Lab 2 released
It's due Friday, February 18. - 1/23: Lab 1 released
It's due Friday, February 4. - 1/21: Web page published
- 1/18: Basic web page created