Library iris.algebra.upred_hlist

From iris.prelude Require Export hlist.
From iris.algebra Require Export upred.
Import uPred.

Fixpoint uPred_hexist {M As} : himpl As (uPred M) uPred M :=
  match As return himpl As (uPred M) uPred M with
  | tnilid
  | tcons A Asλ Φ, x, uPred_hexist (Φ x)
Fixpoint uPred_hforall {M As} : himpl As (uPred M) uPred M :=
  match As return himpl As (uPred M) uPred M with
  | tnilid
  | tcons A Asλ Φ, x, uPred_hforall (Φ x)

Section hlist.
Context {M : ucmraT}.

Lemma hexist_exist {As B} (f : himpl As B) (Φ : B uPred M) :
  uPred_hexist (hcompose Φ f) ⊣⊢ xs : hlist As, Φ (f xs).
  apply (anti_symm _).
  - induction As as [|A As IH]; simpl.
    + by rewrite -(exist_intro hnil) .
    + apply exist_elimx; rewrite IH; apply exist_elimxs.
      by rewrite -(exist_intro (hcons x xs)).
  - apply exist_elimxs; induction xs as [|A As x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
    by rewrite -(exist_intro x) IH.

Lemma hforall_forall {As B} (f : himpl As B) (Φ : B uPred M) :
  uPred_hforall (hcompose Φ f) ⊣⊢ xs : hlist As, Φ (f xs).
  apply (anti_symm _).
  - apply forall_introxs; induction xs as [|A As x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
    by rewrite (forall_elim x) IH.
  - induction As as [|A As IH]; simpl.
    + by rewrite (forall_elim hnil) .
    + apply forall_introx; rewrite -IH; apply forall_introxs.
      by rewrite (forall_elim (hcons x xs)).
End hlist.