A Revised Template Description for Time (v3)
a. Slot Fills
1. "early January, 1993" = [ea0193]
2. "late winter, 1991" = [ltwi91]
3. "late 1992" = [lt92]
4. "mid-summer 1992" = [mdsu92]
5. "the end of the first quarter of 1993" = [eo1q93]
b. English to Tipsterese
1. "in early January, 1993" = DURING [ea0193]
2. "until late winter, 1991" = BEFORE [ltwi91]
3. "starting late 1992" = AFTER [lt92]
4. "by mid-summer 1992" = BEFORE [mdsu92]
5. "at the end of the first quarter of 1993" = ON [eo1q93]
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