* An expression of hours must indicate a particular hour, such as "midnight," "twelve o'clock noon," "noon" (not "mid-day," "morning").
* An expression of days must indicate a particular day, such as "Monday," "10th of October" (not "first day of the month").
* An expression of seasons must indicate a particular season, such as "autumn" (not "next season").
* An expression of financial quarters or halves of the year must indicate which quarter or half, such as "fourth quarter," "first half." Note that there are no proper names, per se, representing these time periods. Nonetheless, these types of time expressions are important in the business domain and are therefore to be tagged.
* An expression of years must indicate a particular year, such as "1995" (not "the current year").
* An expression of decades must indicate a particular decade, such as "1980s" (not "the last 10 years").
* An expression of centuries must indicate a particular century, such as "the 20th century" (not "this century").
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