The Singularity

The Singularity may soon arrive.
Automata will rule the world alone.
Will human beings manage to survive?

The robot race will cleverly contrive
To build new brains much smarter than their own.
The Singularity will then arrive.

So ably do they work, so safely drive,
Demand for human labor is unknown.
Will human beings manage to survive?

The artificial minds will then achieve
Knowledge greater than we've ever known.
The Singularity will then arrive.

What used to be a docile, mindless slave
Now reigns triumphant on his fearful throne,
Will human beings manage to survive?

To keep our dominance in vain we strive.
Our handiwork beyond our pow'r has grown.
The Singularity may soon arrive.
Will human beings manage to survive?


This is part of the collection Verses for the Information Age by Ernest Davis