The Dark Age

January 2017

Alternative facts are asserted as arguments.
Bombast and blather, baloney and bullshit.
Conspiracy theories conquer conversation.
Deception, delusion, dishonesty, doublethink.
Egomaniacal executives emit endless evasions.
Fake news and fascist fantasies fill Facebook.
Greed and graft generate garbage.
How has honesty lost its honor?
Investigations into injustice are intimidated.
Journalists are jeered at, jailed, and killed.
Kitchen cabinet: Kafka's court, or KKK kindergarden?
Leaders lie like lunatics.
Mendacious, meaningless messages multiply.
Nonsense is now known as news.
Orwellian oratory overwhelms us.
Powerful people pamper their own petty passions.
Questioners are quieted quickly.
Random rubbish wrecks reason.
Sinister stories slander citizens.
Twisted theories thrive on Twitter.
Untruth and unreason are ubiquitous.
Vicious, vile verbiage violates verity.
Wicked words weary the wise.
Xenophobic extremists excuse execrable excesses.
You yearn for truth. You must not yield.
Zillions of zanies, but sanity is stronger.


This is part of the collection Verses for the Information Age by Ernest Davis