Anupam Gupta

Silver Professor
Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York NY 10012

Office: 430 Warren Weaver Hall
Phone: 212-998-3272

Email: an[you can figure this out]m.g at nyu dot edu

Starting January 2024, I have joined the CS Department at New York University!
Before that, I was with the CS department at Carnegie Mellon University.

Spring 2025: I will co-teach a graduate course Recent Developments in Algorithm Design with other NYU faculty.
The goal will be to discuss some new and exciting research, and is aimed at students considering research in the area.

My slides for the Swiss TCS Winter School 2025 are on my talks page.


Theory@NYU: The Theoretical CS group at NYU spans CS@Courant and CS@Tandon!

Upcoming theory seminars at NYU; you can sign up to the mailing list here.

Theory @NYU

Most of my publications
This is typically a few months behind: for recent papers, check out DBLP or Google Scholar

A few of my talks

Some advice on giving technical talks

Draft lecture notes for my Graduate Advanced Algorithms course


My research interests are in Theoretical Computer Science, with an emphasis on Algorithms.
Specifically: Algorithms for Uncertain Environments (particularly approximation algorithms for stochastic problems, and online algorithms),
Approximation Algorithms and Metric Embeddings.

My work has been supported by several grants from the NSF (including a CAREER Award),
and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.

I am honored to have been named an ACM Fellow in 2021. (CMU press release)

I was an organizer of the Algorithms and Uncertainty program at the Simons Institute in 2016,
and also an organizer of the Joint Indo-US Networked Center for Algorithms under Uncertainty.

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2000
B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1996


          Madhusudhan Reddy Pittu      Sherry Sarkar

Graduated: Hubert Chan (2007)    Barbara Anthony (2008)
   Mike Dinitz (2010)    Kanat Tangwongsan (2011)
   Ravishankar Krishnaswamy (2012)     Ankit Sharma (2014)
   David Witmer (2017)      Sahil Singla (2018)      Guru Guruganesh (2018)
     Jason Li (2021)      C.J. Argue (2022)      Roie Levin (2022)

Ph.D. Students

     Melanie Schmidt      Ilan Reuven Cohen (with Kirk Pruhs)      Danny Segev
With Theory Group: Aravindan Vijayaraghavan      MohammadTaghi HajiAghayi
     Krzysztof Onak      Harald Räcke

Previous Postdoctoral Fellows

I am proud to have received the Herb Simon Award for Teaching Excellence at Carnegie Mellon.

Spring 2024: I am teaching Fundamental Algorithms.

Spring 2023: I taught my graduate course 15-850: Advanced Algorithms. This is an intensive course for students interested in theory CS.
I also taught 15-251: Great Theoretical Ideas in CS with Anil Ada!

Spring 2022: I was teaching the graduate course 15-750: Algorithms in the Real World with Rashmi Vinayak
This course is a merger of the old Graduate Algorithms course, and 15-853: Algorithms in the Real World.


Core Graduate Courses: 15-750: Graduate Algorithms: Spring 21 and Spring 20
15-850: Advanced Algorithms: Fall 20, Fall 18, Spring 17, and Spring 15
15-853: Algorithms in the Real World: Fall 15, Spring 14, and Fall 06

Advanced Graduate Courses: 15-854: Advanced Approximation Algorithms: Fall 21
15-859FF: Coping with intractability: Exact and FPT Algorithms: Fall 19
Linear and Semidefinite Programming (course blog): Fall 11
Randomized Algorithms (course blog): Spring 11

Graduate Courses before 2010: Advanced Algorithms (course blog): Fall 09
Advanced Approximation Algorithms (course blog): Spring 08
Approximation Algorithms I and II: Fall 05 and Spring 06
Randomized Algorithms: Fall 04
Metric Methods: Fall 03

Core Undergraduate Courses: 15-451: Algorithms: S19, S18, S17, S16, F15, F14, F13
15-251: Great Theoretical Ideas In Computer Science (some notes): S04, S05, F05, F06, F07, F08, S09, F09, F10, F11