•  Course Description

    In CS101  students will be introduced to the field of computer science. Specifically, you will learn how to design and write computer programs in the Java programming language. You will learn the object oriented paradigm (OOP) and how to model and solve problems using OOP.

    You will learn how to apply principles from the fundamentals of computer science using algorithms, data structures, the theory of computing, and the object oriented paradigm to solve real world problems.  You will learn how to decompose a large problem into modules and apply the concepts learned in class to solve programming assignments.  

    You will convey technical knowledge in a clear and concise manner by presenting your work in class to develop skills in oral and written communication. 

    Catalog Description: CS101 will teach students how to solve problems by designing algorithms and building them into standalone computer applications. Experience will be acquired through the completion of projects in a high-level programming language. This course is intended for computer science majors but is suitable for students of other scientific disciplines. 

  • Pre-requisits

    Introduction to Computer Programming (CSCI-UA 2) or departmental permission assessed by placement exam. 

  • Agenda and Topics

    The course consists of two parts: 

    Part 1: Fundamentals of Java Programming
    Introduction to computer Science, computer programming and Java

    Introduction to Integrated Development Environment: Eclipse

    Strings, words and numbers in Java

    Primitive data types and expression in Java
    Conditional Statements 

    Iterative Statements


    Arrays and Two-dimensional arrays

    Part 2: Object Oriented Programming and Design

    Introduction to the object oriented programming paradigm

    Objects and Classes

    Advanced Object Oriented Programming Features

    Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Graphics and Animations (using Processing)

    Exception Handling and Text I/O

    Abstract Classes and Interfaces

    Recursion (if time permits)

    Introduction to sorting algorithms 
    ArrayLists in Java 

  • Required Book

    Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Edition

    Edition: 10th edition
    Author Y. Daniel Liang
    ISBN-10: 0-13-359220-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-359220-7

  • Grading
  •  Your grade will be based on:

                        Midterm Exam#1 (20%)
                        Midterm Exam#2 (25%)
                        Quizzes (5%)
                        Programming Assignments (20%)
                        Final Exam (30%)
    The following scale will be followed when assigning the final grade:
                                   A             95-100
                                   A-           90-95
                                   B+          87-90
                                   B             84-87
                                   B-            80-84
                                   C+          76-80
                                   C             72-76
                                   D            65-72
                                   F                <65

    Class attendance and participation will be added to your overall final grade.

  • Syllabus in Details 
  • Course Mailing List & Other Business

    Click here to view Syllabus for more details 

    Late Submission of Assignments

    Programming assignments must be uploaded before or on the due date. There will be a 15% loss for every day late submission.

    Assignments that are submitted three days after the original due data will NOT be accepted.

    In case of an emergency that prevents you from submitting your homework on time, please notify the intrsuctor of the course -- Otherwise the penalty will apply to the homework's grade.  

    Course Mailing List and NYU Classes

    NYUClasses is available for this class. You will need to check NYU Classes regularly for class notes. You will also be recieving regular emails from the intstructor about course notes, grades and guidelines.

    Academic Integrity

    Every student must submit her or his own work.

    All references used in the assignment must be cited.

    Review  the department policy  that also applies to this course.