Theoretical Computer Science at NYU
We are the Theoretical Computer Science Group at New York University. Researchers in our group are interested in applying mathematical tools to a variety of disciplines in computer science, from security, to systems, to computational geometry, and beyond. Visit our individual webpages to learn more, or join our mailing list. Students interested in applying for a Ph.D. should read the information here.

Boris Aronov
Computational and combinatorial geometry, algorithms

Aaron Bernstein
Graph algorithms, streaming, parallel & distributed algos, approx. algos

Marshall Ball
computational complexity

Nir Bitansky
Foundations of cryptography, proof systems, quantum crypto

Benedikt Bunz
Blockchains via applied crypto, game theory, consensus.

Yi-Jen Chiang
Data visualization, motion planning, computational geometry, algos

Richard Cole
Algorithmic economics & game theory, algos in nature & society

Yevgeniy Dodis
Cryptography, security, info. theory, complexity theory, algorithms

Martin Farach-Colton
Data structures, algorithms, systems

Anupam Gupta
Algorithms, approximation & online algorithms, metric embeddings

Lisa Hellerstein
Computational learning theory, ML, algorithms, complexity

Subhash Khot
Algorithms, computational complexity and intractability

Mehryar Mohri
Learning theory

Christopher Musco
Randomized algos, numerical linear algebra, ML

Sunoo Park
Technology law and policy, crypto, computer security

Oded Regev
Lattice-based crypto, quantum, mathematical aspects of TCS

Alan Siegel
VLSI design, lower bounds, parallel algo, probability, geometry

Joel Spencer
Theoretical computer science and discrete math

Chee Yap
Comp. geometry, comp. algebra, visualization, robotics

Jie Xue
Comp. geometry, algorithms, data structures, graph theory
Postdocs, Fellows, and Visitors

Nairen Cao (Tandon Faculty Fellow)
Graph Algorithms, parallel Algorithms

Radoslav Fulek (Visiting Prof.)
Computational geometry, graph drawing, combinatorics

Tyler Chen (Instructor)
Numerical linear algebra, randomized algos, quantum physics

Michael Chapman (Simons J. Fell.)
Group theory, graph theory, quantum info.

Jiaxin Guan (Faculty Fellow)

Daniel Jost (Postdoc)

Stefano Leonardi (Visiting Faculty)
Algorithms Theory, Algorithms + Data Science, Econ. + Computation

Rotem Oshman (Visiting Prof.)
Distributed computing, communication complexity

David Persson (Instructor)
Numerical linear algebra, low-rank approximation, randomized algos

Kevin Pratt (Postdoc)
Theoretical computer science, combinatorics, algebra

Akbar Rafiey (Visiting Prof.)
Combinatorial Optimization (CO), Responsible CO, ML for CO
Ph.D. Students

Noah Amsel
Deep learning numerical linear algebra, optimization

Aritra Bhowmick
Streaming and sketching algorithms, deep learning, graphs

Jessica Chen
Cryptography, security, proof systems

Majid Daliri
Statistics, optimization, ML theory, graphs and networks

Haya Diwan
Algorithms, ML, theory of computation, discrete math

Feyza Duman Keles
Complexity, ML, DL theory, algorithms & lower bounds

Aarshvi Gajjar
Sampling, sketching, approx. theory, high-dim. geometry

Eli Goldin
Theory of crypto, randomness extraction, quantum crypto

Peter Hall

Hanna Komlós
Data structures, randomized algorithms, external memory

Daji Landis
Cryptography and Algorithmic Game Theory

Sihyun Lee

Kelly Marshall
Machine learning, deep reinforcement learning, generative models

Raphael Meyer
Statistical learning theory, randomized algorithms

Minh Pham
Machine Learning

Indu Ramesh
Algorithms, graph theory, computational geometry

Lucas Rosenblatt
Differential privacy, algorithmic fairness, machine learning

Matteo Russo
(Visiting Student) Online Algorithms, Algorithmic Game Theory

Yarin Shechter
Data structures, algorithms

Apoorv V. Singh
Algorithmic ML, robust statistics, randomized algorithms

William Wang

Zhaozi Wang
Online Algorithms, Algorithm Design

R. Teal Witter
Algorithms, graph theory, boolean functions, ML, quantum
Other Faculty Interested in Theory

Chinmay Hegde
Machine learning, algorithms, signal and image processing

Gad Landau
String algos, compu. biology, communication networks

Eyal Lubetzky
Probability theory, combinatorics

Jinyoung Park
Extremal & prob. combinatorics, threshold phenomena

Torsten Suel
Algo, web search & info. retrieval, databases, distributed comp.

Jiawei Zhang
Business analytics and optimization