PhD program in Udine

Alberto Marcone alberto.marcone at
Thu May 13 11:13:45 EDT 2021

The University of Udine (NE Italy) is starting a new PhD program in 
Mathematical and Physical Sciences: 

Three members of the board (Vincenzo Dimonte, Giovanni Panti and myself) 
are logicians, so we look for talented young people interested in 
various aspects of logic, including set theory, reverse mathematics, 
Weihrauch reducibility, and connections with dynamical system.

The call for students starting in the fall is now open (deadline June 
16, at 14 Italian time). The English version can be found at 

For administrative information contact dottorato.rice at

For information about projects in the area of logic contact Vincenzo, 
Giovanni or myself.

Best wishes,


Alberto Marconealberto.marcone at
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche,
Informatiche e Fisiche
Universita' di Udine                                tel: +39-0432-558482
via delle Scienze 206                               fax: +39-0432-558499
33100 Udine

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