Tenure Track Research Position in LogICS (ICS CAS, Prague, Czech Republic)

Igor Sedlar igor.sedlar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 06:59:46 EDT 2021

Tenure Track Research Position Call:

The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences
(ICS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for a tenure‐track
position in areas fitting and/or expanding its current research focus.
We especially encourage applicants working in fields related to the
interests of the ICS Logic Group (LogICS) which focuses on

* modal logics
* coalgebraic logics
* substructural logics
* mathematical fuzzy logic
* (abstract) algebraic logic
* dynamic and non-monotonic logics
* relevant and paraconsistent logics

Deadline for application: 31.5.2021

More details can be found here:

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