[FOM] 5th World School on Universal Logic: Schedule now on-line!

jean-yves beziau beziau100 at gmail.com
Mon May 25 12:35:02 EDT 2015

The schedule of  the 5th World School on Universal Logic
to happen in Istanbul, Turkey, June 20-24, 2015 is now on-line

It is an exceptional school with 30 different tutorials given by scholars
from all over the world
There are 3 groups of tutorials:
1) Tutorials on history of logic, ranging from Jain logic to Frege, through
Aristotle, Leibniz, Hegel, etc
2) Tutorials on logic and X: logic and music, logic and politics, logic and
the theory of relativity, etc.
3) Tutorials on fundamental theorems with a universal perspective:
completeness, compactness, incompleteness, etc

The schedule of the congress will also soon be published
UNILOG'2005  - World Congress and School on Universal Logic - UNILOG'2015
Montreux 2005, Xi'an 2007, Lisbon 2010, Rio de Janeiro 2013, Istanbul 2015
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