[FOM] a mytho-logical journey from Samos to Istanbul

jean-yves beziau beziau100 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 05:46:49 EDT 2015

Take part to two important events of logic and enrich your culturalbackground
visiting pivotal sites in the history of humanity:
- Miletus, the city of Anaximander and Thales, a starting point for
philosophy and mathematics
- Ephesus with Celsius library and the nearby house of the virgin Mary
- Pergamon with  Asclepion Sanctuary and Trajan Temple
- Troy: considered during many centuries a fictitious city
We are organizing a journey
>From the 10th Panhellenic Logic Symposium
Samos Island, Greece, June 11-15, 2015
to the
5th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
Istanbul, Turkey, June 20-30, 2015http://www.uni-log.org/si
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