[FOM] Proof Theory in Lisbon

Fernando Ferreira ferferr at cii.fc.ul.pt
Thu Jun 6 04:50:12 EDT 2013


Proof Theory in Lisbon: a one-day workshop

Just before the Logic Colloquium 2013 (Évora, Portugal) there will be a one-day workshop in Proof Theory in Lisbon. The main event of the workhop is a three-part lecture by Jean-Louis Krivine on his classical realizability of set theory, with new proofs of relative consistency results. Please have a look at


for information. The workshop includes the following participants: Jean-Louis Krivine, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Fernando Ferreira, Jaime Gaspar, Ali Enayat, Benno ven den Berg, Gilda Ferreira, Daniel Durante and Alexander Kreuzer.

Fernando Ferreira and Jaime Gaspar

Fernando Ferreira
Departamento de Matemática
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, Edifício C6, Gabinete 6.2.8
P-1749-016 Lisboa


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