[FOM] IWS Workshop at IJCAR 2012 -- Call for papers

Martin Davis martin at eipye.com
Wed Apr 11 14:16:26 EDT 2012

         2nd Joint International Workshop on Strategies
              in Rewriting, Proving and Programming
                   1 July 2012, Manchester, UK
                  **** Submission: 27 April 2012 ****

Strategies are ubiquitous in automated reasoning engines, high
level programming languages, verification tools, and affect their
useability, performance and practical impact. They control search
(for proofs or models), transformation (of programs), access
(to resources) and modelling. Work on strategies and search plans
remains often hidden in implementations of theorem provers, proof
assistants, model builders, interpreters, SAT and SMT solvers,
decision procedures for satisfiability, termination provers and
verifiers. The 2nd IWS Workshop provides a forum to present
research on strategies, focusing on the following topics:

* Strategies in automated theorem provers, automated model builders,
decision procedures and their combinations, SAT and SMT solvers;

* Strategies and tacticals in interactive theorem provers and
proof assistants;

* Strategies in interpreters of programming languages, rewriting
engines and termination provers;

* Strategies in program analysers and tools for verification
modulo theories;

* Performance evaluation: empirical evaluation, comparison and
optimisation of strategies;

* Strategy analysis: evaluation, comparison, and optimisation of
strategies by mathematical approaches to model search spaces and
measure search complexity;

* Strategy languages: essential constructs, meta-level features,
design, implementation and application;

* Applications and case studies where strategies play a major role.

Papers on strategies in automated reasoning, programming languages
and software verification are equally welcome, as the workshop
aims at facilitating synergies.

# Submission: 27 April
# Notification: 27 May
# Preliminary proceedings version due: 6 June
# Submission for final proceedings: 9 September
# Notification: 9 November
# Final version: 2 December

There are three categories of submissions:

Regular: This is for typical workshop papers. Authors submit an abstract
(max 5 pages). Accepted abstracts are presented at the workshop and
included in the preliminary proceedings, available at the workshop.
After the workshop, authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit
a full version (max 15 pages), which is refereed again for inclusion in the
final workshop proceedings, to be published in EPTCS (http://eptcs.org/).

Abstract-only: This is for preliminary research that may not be ready
to develop into a full paper afterthe workshop. Authors submit an
abstract (max 5 pages). Accepted abstracts are presented at the
workshop and included only in the preliminary proceedings.

Presentation-only: This is for papers in the scope of the workshop
that have been or will be published elsewhere. They may be submitted
in full (max 15 pages), indicating where the paper appears. If accepted,
one page including title, authors, abstract as in the published paper,
and a reference to the full paper, is included in the preliminary proceedings.

Authors are strongly encouraged to produce their papers in LaTeX and
must indicate the submission category. All submissions are through
also reachable from the workshop web site.

Maria Paola Bonacina (Co-Chair) (Universita degli Studi di Verona)
Dan Dougherty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Bruno Dutertre (SRI International)
Maribel Fernandez (Co-Chair) (King's College London)
Mnacho Echenim (Universite de Grenoble)
Swen Jacobs (EPFL)
Helene Kirchner (INRIA)
Salvador Lucas (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)
Christophe Ringeissen (INRIA)
Stephan Schulz (eprover.org)

mariapaola.bonacina at univr.it and Maribel.Fernandez at kcl.ac.uk

Martin Davis
Professor Emeritus, Courant-NYU
Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley
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