[FOM] ICCL Summer School 2004

ICCL Summer School ptevent at iccl.tu-dresden.de
Tue Apr 13 14:36:09 EDT 2004

                        ICCL Summer School 2004
               Proof Theory and Automated Theorem Proving
                           PCC Workshop 2004
                    Technische Universitaet Dresden
                            June 14-26, 2004


Call for Participation

This two-week meeting consists of two integrated parts, a summer school
and a workshop, aimed at graduate students and researchers.  The themes
for the summer school are proof theory and automated theorem proving,
the workshop is about proof, computation and complexity.  As in the
summer schools at TU Dresden in 2002 and 2003 and in the previous
editions of the PCC workshop, people from distinct but communicating
communities will gather in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

We ask for a participation fee of 200 EUR. We request registration
before May 10, 2004; please send an email to
<mailto:PTEvent at Janeway.Inf.TU-Dresden.DE>, making sure you include a
very brief bio (5-10 lines) stating your experience, interests, home
page (if available), etc.  It will be possible for some students to
present their work: please indicate in your application if you would
like to do so and give us some information about your proposed talk.

We will select applicants in case of excessive demand.  A limited number
of grants covering all expenses is available, please indicate in your
application if the only possibility for you to participate is via a
grant.  Applications for grants must include an estimate of travel costs
and they should be sent together with the registration.  We will provide
assistance in finding an accommodation in Dresden.

Week 1, June 14-18: courses on

   Term Rewriting Systems
   Franz Baader (TU Dresden)

   Deep Inference and the Calculus of Structures
   Alessio Guglielmi (TU Dresden)
   Game Semantics and Its Applications
   C.-H. L. Ong (Oxford)

   Automated Theorem Proving for Classical Logics
   Andrei Voronkov (Manchester)

Week 2
June 21-22: workshop; for more details, please consult the workshop web
   page <http://www1.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/Birgit/pcc04.html>

June 23-26: courses on

   Deduction Modulo
   Claude Kirchner (Loria & INRIA, Nancy)

   Logic Considered as a Branch of Geometry
   Francois Lamarche (Loria & INRIA, Nancy)

   Proofs as Programs
   Michel Parigot (CNRS - Universite' Paris 7)

   Automated Reasoning for Substructural Logics
   John Slaney (NICTA, Canberra)


Dresden, on the river Elbe, is one of the most important art cities of
Germany.  You can find world-class museums and wonderful architecture
and surroundings.  We will organize trips and social events.


This event is organized by the International Center for Computational
Logic (ICCL), Paola Bruscoli, Birgit Elbl, Sylvia Epp, Bertram
Fronhoefer, Axel Grossmann, Alessio Guglielmi, Steffen Hoelldobler,
Reinhard Kahle and Mariana Stantcheva; it is sponsored by Deutscher
Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) under the program `Deutsche

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