FOM: Cellular Automata: Computation vrs simulation

John T. Baldwin jbaldwin at
Tue Jul 16 09:13:39 EDT 2002

I have written a 4 page note examining the notion of `computation' with 
cellular automata.  The note is in tex because there are a couple of 
paragraphs with serious notation although most can be read
straightforwardly.  I am pasting in the tex file; it should be readable in 
the note or you can copy out the file or find dvi/ps versions at

\centerline{Computation versus Simulation}

  Is `compute' a transitive or intransitive verb? That is, must one compute
something or can one just compute? This distinction (or rather the
failure to make it) underlies much of the confusion concerning
`computing' with cellular automata. Unfortunately, the OED doesn't
help us on this question; both usages date from the 17th century.
But Turing computable clearly describes the computation of
something, while much of the CA literature concerns computing
(verb intrans).  This note is written from the Turing perspective.

DEFINITION:  A one dimensional cellular automata of radius r with
S states is determined by a function f from $S^{2r+1}$ to S.  It
acts on an infinite tape with S symbol by simultaneously updating
each cell by applying f to the segment of length 2r+1 centered on
that cell. $f$ determines a global transition function $G_f$ from
$S^Z$ to $S^Z$ given by mapping  $\sigma \in S^Z$ to $G_f(\sigma)
$,  the sequence resulting from this simultaneous updating.
(Wolfram has assigned names to the 256 2-state  1-dimensional ca
of radius 1.)

(There are natural generalizations to higher dimensions but they
introduce no new phenomena for the discussion below.)

The notion  `supporting universal computation' is ambiguous in the
literature. This ambiguity arises in my view from insufficient
attention in the cellular automata literature to the two aspects
of computing a function on the natural numbers: 1) fixing a coding
and decoding of the natural numbers into the space in which the
computation takes place (input/output rules) and 2) describing the
steps in the computation.

Much of the cellular automata literature focuses on 2) - the
simulation of one CA by another.  But the notion of computation in
the standard Turing sense depends essentially on the first.

So in the spirit of fom /FOM let me define two terms.

1.  A universal computing automata  (UCA) is a ca (WITH
input/output rules) that can compute every partial recursive

2.  A universal cellular automata (uca) is one that can simulate
every other ca (and therefore every Turing machine).

I will argue that it is not evident that every universal cellular
automata is a universal computing automata, because `simulation'
tends to ignore i/o conventions.

To be more precise, even if there are two-state universal cellular
automata (and  if Wolfram/Cook are correct there is  one of radius
1), this does not automatically imply there is a two-state
universal computing automata.  (I'll elaborate on this point below
once some notation is established.)

UNIVERSAL COMPUTATION:  The most naive notion would be to code n
by placing n contiguous 1's and the rest 0's on an infinite tape.
If the configuration evolved under the ca C  from this initial
configuration to m contiguous 1's and the rest 0's we would say
that C computed the value m with input n; if not, n is not in the
domain of the partial function calculated by C.  (This has some
difficulty if we actually want to view it as a computer; we start
the machine on a sequence of n's.  After awhile, all we can see
are m ones in a sea of 0's.  How do we know this state persists?)

To emphasize, a universal Turing machine is one which computes
every partial recursive function.  As above a universal computing
automata is one which computes every partial recursive function.
This requires a definition of how to read output since CA's don't
halt. That is, some description should be given of how to read an
output from the eventual behavior of the CA. Thus, it is not
enough to be able to simulate the actions of a given universal
computing automata but an analysis of input/output is essential.

The most general approach can be summarized as follows. There
should be  two `effective' functions $f$ and $g$ which map numbers
to an infinite tape  and back.  Now a function $\phi$ of numbers
is computed by a cellular automata  if $\phi(x) = g(T(f(x))$ where
$T$ is the ordinary action of a cellular automata.

There are several complications with such generality.  What does
T(y) -- the result of applying a ca mean?  After all, ca' s don't
halt.  Even if this is overcome, what does  it mean to say that g
is an effective function if its domain is all infinite sequences.

The most common way to deal with this is to posit the existence of
a quiescent (absorbing, blank) state.  An infinite sequence is a
`configuration' if all but finitely many cells are blank.
  The papers of \cite{CukikHurdYu88}
  and \cite{BaldwinShelahca} share the convention
that the input, steps in the computation, and output all take
place on configurations. That is, f and g above map into and from
the countable collection of configurations.  Then, f and g are
`effective' means they are recursive in the normal sense of
functions between finite sequences. We refer to this specification
of f, g as an I/O convention.  More general f and g, e.g. with
range/domain respectively including properly infinite sequences
have been considered.

SIMULATION: The notion of simulation of cellular automata has been
made precise in several places.  Here is one adapted from  (e.g.
\cite{Smith71}, \cite{CukikHurdYu88} ).

Let $\Phi_d$ be the collection of global transition functions for
d dimensional ca (with arbitrary set of states).  For $F \in
\Phi_d$, $F^k$ denotes the k-fold iteration of $F$.

Let $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ be d dimensional cellular automata with sets
of  configurations $C_1$ and $C_2$ (again, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are the
sequences which have only finitely many non-quiescent states ) and
global transition functions $F_1$ and $F_2$.  Let $k_1, k_2$ be
positive integers. Then $Z_2$ simulates $Z_1$ in $k_2/k_1$ times
real time if there exists an effectively computable injective
mapping $G$ from $C_1$ to $C_2$ such that
$$F_2^{k_2}(G(c)) =G(F_1^{k_1}(c)).$$

Smith \cite{Smith71} proves that one can trade off radius for
number of states -in both directions.  One can conclude that if
there is any cellular automata which can compute all partial
recursive functions there is one with only 2 states (but possibly
very large radius.) The Wolfram-Cook claim for rule 110 is that
there is one with 2 states and radius 1.

RELATION TO COMPUTABILITY: These simulation  arguments disregard
input--output conventions.  The effect of the function G mapping
configurations to configurations must be taken explicitly into
account to make precise claims about computability.  The basic
difficulty with a two state machine (NO BLANKS) is, `Where does
the input/output end and the enveloping sea of zeros's begin?'

THE DENSITY PROBLEM: To emphasize the importance of fixing an I/O
convention let me describe a family of results concerning one
important problem   This includes one result which at first blush
contradicts the Wolfram-Cook claim.

A long-standing cellular automata problem is to recognize the
density of a sequence of 0's and 1's.  That  is, `classify all
configurations of size n for density r', which  means the ca
evolves to all 1's on a finite sequence if the ratio of 1's to 0's
is at least r and to all 0's if the ratio of 1's to 0's is less
than r.

There is a large literature trying to find ca's which can
accomplish this task.  `Genetic algorithms' attempt to modify a
given (family) of ca's based on experimental results to `breed'
one which can solve the problem.  Much of the work is with r equal

   Land-Belew  \cite{LandBelew} prove

Theorem:  For a given neighborhood radius r, density rho, and
sufficiently large lattice size, (depending on rho, and r)  there
is no 2 state CA of radius r which correctly classifies all
configurations of size n for density rho.

Since this is clearly  a recursive problem, at first glance, this
appears to refute the assertion that there can be any 2-state CA
which is computationally universal - contra Wolfram's claims
vis-a-vis rule 110.  But, there is an implicit reliance on an I/O
convention.  The input is a `finite' but arbitrarily long string
of 0's and 1's.  Analysis of the proof suggests that the authors
assume that the rest of the tape contains only 0's.  If the
machine evolves to n consecutive 1's the density is greater than
r; if to all zero's, less than r.  (Implicitly, the n-cells which
we are focusing on can move on the infinite tape.)

  On the other hand if we consider the
problem to determine whether an input rational number q is greater
than a fixed rational r, we would solve it with a 2-step automata
by coding the problem in a k state machine (where k is large
enough so we can easily construct a universal cellular automata)
and then apply a procedure like Smith's to shift the problem to a
2 state machine (with some strange input convention) not at all
resembling the natural one.

The density problem has an interesting follow-up which emphasizes
again the need to fix i/o conventions. Rules 184 and 226 conserve
the number of 0's and 1's and group the cells with the same value.
So using a different OUTPUT rule \cite{ CapcarrereSipperTomassini}
show these two rules do classify for density 1/2.  Later work by
e.g. Hendryk Fuks \cite{fuks} solves the problem (for   1/2  and
others for rational density) by composition of ca's to get back
the original output convention.

WOLFRAM'S CLASSIFICATION:  Based on computer simulations Wolfram
presented in several papers  conjectured classifications of
cellular automata into 4 types. In \cite{Wolframct} Wolfram
distinguishes the 4 classes of cellular automata by the evolution
  of the pattern generated by applying a cellular automaton to a finite 
input.  We quote from
page 161.
\item Pattern disappears with time.
\item Pattern evolves to a fixed finite size.
\item Pattern grows indefinitely at a fixed rate.
\item Pattern grows and contracts with time.

Wolfram suggests that these dynamic considerations should be
related to the computational complexity of the ca.  Indeed this
contention is one of the most interesting aspects of his book.

There are several difficulties.  First, this classification is not
precise.  As (\cite{BaldwinShelahca}) show, it can be made to make
sense as a classification of the action a ca on a particular
initial configuration.  But even probabilistically, it cannot be
extended to a classification of the action of ca's on finite
input. Ishii \cite{ishii} shows one can make sense of it as
classification on arbitrary inputs. Culik et al
\cite{CukikHurdYu88}construct a hierarchy by looking at the worst
case behavior.

Second, while this classification makes sense only when
considering arbitrary (even arbitrary infinite input) the ordinary
study of computation concerns only `good' finite inputs.  (In
fact, much of interest in \cite{CukikHurdYu88} and
\cite{BaldwinShelahca} deals with the behavior of ca's on
arbitrary finite input.

The study of this problem led to another example of the importance
of I/O conventions.  Baldwin and Shelah showed how describe a
universal automata whose pattern grew monotonically in size (add a
marker that says `this cell has  been hit'); this contradicted an
assertion in \cite{CukikHurdYu88}. The distinction was that the
output function g describe above is required by Culik et al to be
injective while it was many one in  Baldwin-Shelah.


J.T. Baldwin and S.~Shelah.
\newblock On the classification of cellular automata.
\newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 230:117--129, 2000.

Henryk Fuks.
\newblock Solution of the density classification problem with two cellular
   automata rules.
\newblock {\em LANL comp-gas/9703001}, 1997.

Alvin Ray~Smith III.
\newblock Cellular automata complexity trade-offs.
\newblock {\em Information and Control}, 18:466--482, 1971.

S.~Yu K.~Culik~III, L.~Hurd.
\newblock Computation theoretic aspects of ca.
\newblock {\em Physica {D}}, 45:357--378, 1990.

Mark Land and Richard~K. Belew.
\newblock No perfect two-state cellular automata for density classification
\newblock {\em Physical Review Letters}, 74:5148--5150, 1995.

M.~Sipper M.~S.~Capcarrere and M.~Tomassini.
\newblock Two-state, r=1 cellular automaton that classifies density.
\newblock {\em Phys. Rev.Lett.}, 77:4969, 1996.

\newblock Measure theoretic approach to the classification of cellular
\newblock {\em Discrete Applied Mathematics}, 39:125--136, 1992.

Stephen Wolfram.
\newblock Computation {T}heory of {C}ellular {A}utomata.
\newblock In {\em Cellular {A}utomata and {C}omplexity}, pages 159--202.
   Addison Wesley, 1994.
\newblock Originally published: Communications in Mathematical Physica 96
   (1984) 15-57.


John Baldwin, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science, University of Illinois at Chicago jbaldwin at


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