Research Sponsors
Research in my group is sponsored by the following
organizations who have contributed through infrastructure funds,
in-kind donations of equipment and software,
student, postdoc and faculty salary support,
and travel and dissemination costs.
Without the generous contributions of these agencies and companies
it would not be possible for me pursue my scientific goals nor
to engage in the training of future scientists.
National Science Foundation (USA) 
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Google Inc.
Research in my lab was previously supported by:
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 
Government of Canada 
- Canada Research Chairs (CRC)
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
- Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), in particular the

- Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS)
Government of Ontario 
- Premier's Research Excellence Award (PREA)
- Ontario Innovations Trust (OIT)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS)
Microsoft Research

Dell Computer Canada

University of Toronto

- Connaught Startup Grants
- University of Toronto Fellowships (UTF)
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Sam Roweis, Vision, Learning and Graphics Group,