Morgan Deters: Curriculum Vitæ

Morgan Deters
Please contact me via email for other contact information

Note that this is a partial CV, and likely out of date. For a full, up-to-date version, please contact me.


Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
New York, NY

Period of employment: September 2009--present


May 2000 - May 2007 Washington University
Master of Science, Computer Science
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Ron K. Cytron
St. Louis, MO
May 2003
May 2007
Sept 1997 - May 2000 Bowling Green State University
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
Bowling Green, OH
May 2000


March 2008 - July 2009 Researcher (Investigador)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
June 2007 - March 2008 Postdoctoral Researcher
Washington University in St. Louis
May 2000 - May 2007 Graduate Research Assistant
Washington University in St. Louis


Aaron Stump, Morgan Deters, Adam Petcher, Todd Schiller, and Timothy Simpson. "Verified Programming in Guru." In Programming Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV 2009).

Clark Barrett, Morgan Deters, Albert Oliveras, and Aaron Stump. "Design and Results of the 3rd Annual Satisfiability Modulo Theories Competition (SMT-COMP 2007)." In the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), 17(4): 569--606 (2008).

Michael Zeller, Aaron Stump, and Morgan Deters, "A Signature Compiler for the Edinburgh Logical Framework." In the International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP 2007) (Bremen, Germany). July 2007. [ Abstract ]

Tobias Mann, Morgan Deters, Rob LeGrand, and Ron K. Cytron, "Static Determination of Allocation Rates to Support Real-Time Garbage Collection." In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2005) (Chicago, Illinois, USA), pp. 193-202. ACM, June 2005. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Morgan Deters, Nicholas A. Leidenfrost, Matthew P. Hampton, James C. Brodman, and Ron K. Cytron, "Automated Reference-Counted Object Recycling for Real-Time Java." In Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2004) (Toronto, Canada), pp. 424-433. IEEE Computer Society, May 2004. [ Abstract ]
Available:IEEE Computer Society Digital Library ] [ By request (email) ]

Morgan Deters, Christopher Gill, and Ron Cytron, "Rate-Monotonic Analysis in the C++ Type System." In Proceedings of the RTAS 2003 Workshop on Model-Driven Embedded Systems (MDES 2004) (Washington, DC). IEEE Computer Society, May 2003. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Morgan Deters, "Dynamic Assignment of Scoped Memory Regions in the Translation of Java to Real-Time Java." M.S. Thesis, Washington University Technical Report WUCSE-03-27. Washington University Department of Computer Science & Engineering, May 2003. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Morgan Deters and Ron K. Cytron, "Automated Discovery of Scoped Memory Regions for Real-Time Java." In Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Memory Management (Berlin, Germany), pp. 25-35. ACM, June 2002. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Morgan Deters and Ron K. Cytron, "Introduction of Program Instrumentation using Aspects." In Proceedings of the OOPSLA 2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems (Tampa, FL). ACM, October 2001. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Steven M. Donahue, Matthew P. Hampton, Morgan Deters, Jonathan M. Nye, Ron K. Cytron, and Krishna M. Kavi, "Storage allocation for real-time, embedded systems." In Embedded Software: Proceedings of the First International Workshop (Thomas A. Henzinger and Christoph M. Kirsch, eds.), pp. 131-147. Springer Verlag, 2001. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Springer-Verlag Online ] [ Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]

Morgan Deters, Nicholas Leidenfrost, and Ron K. Cytron, "Translation of Java to Real-Time Java using aspects." In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Programming and Separation of Concerns, (Lancaster, UK), pp. 25-30, August 2001. Proceedings published as Tech. Rep. CSEG/03/01 by the Computing Department, Lancaster University. This paper is an extended abstract. [ Abstract ]
Available online:Gzipped PostScript ] [ PDF ]


June 2008 Tutorial. Demystifying GCC: Under the Hood of the GNU Compiler Collection
PLDI 2008
This presentation with Ron Cytron.

Tucson, Arizona
July 2007 Software Engineering Radio #61: Internals of GCC.
Interviewed for the hour about the internals of the GNU Compiler Collection.
Aired 5 July 2007.
Oct 2006 Tutorial. Demystifying GCC: Under the Hood of the GNU Compiler Collection

Portland, OR
Aug 2005 - Dec 2005 CSE7201 Research Seminar on Programming Languages:
Internals of the GNU Compiler Collection
Washington University
Department of Computer Science

St. Louis, MO
Apr 2005 Guest lecturer, Embedded Computing Systems
1 guest lecture
Washington University
Department of Computer Science

St. Louis, MO
Sept 2002 - Apr 2003 Real-Time Programming with Java
Object Computing, Inc.

St. Louis, MO
Jan 2003 Guest lecturer, Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development
1 guest lecture
Washington University
Department of Computer Science

St. Louis, MO
Aug 2002 - Dec 2002 CSE6783 Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ
Washington University
Department of Computer Science

St. Louis, MO
Jan 2002 - June 2002 CSE6782 Research Seminar on Programming Languages:
Cool Language Features
Washington University
Department of Computer Science

St. Louis, MO


Available upon request.

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