NYU Crypto & Sec Group
Here in the Crypto and Security Group at NYU Courant, we research all aspects of cryptography and security, from fundamental theory, definitions and security proofs, to novel cryptographic applications and protocol design. For a sense of what we're working on, the latest papers posted by researchers in our group to eprint are listed below. Also check out the full lists of papers authored by our group, or check out the individual researchers below. Interested in joining us? Attend a seminar or apply for the MS or PhD programs at Courant! If you are looking for the NYU Center for Cyber Security at Tandon, please see here instead.
The ten most recent papers authored by researchers in our group on the IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive are listed below:
- Compact Key Storage in the Standard Model Yevgeniy Dodis, Daniel Jost
- How To Think About End-To-End Encryption and AI: Training, Processing, Disclosure, and Consent Mallory Knodel, Andrés Fábrega, Daniella Ferrari, Jacob Leiken, Betty Li Hou, Derek Yen, Sam de Alfaro, Kyunghyun Cho, Sunoo Park
- Definition of End-to-end Encryption Mallory Knodel, Sofía Celi, Olaf Kolkman, Gurshabad Grover
- Ideal Pseudorandom Codes Omar Alrabiah, Prabhanjan Ananth, Miranda Christ, Yevgeniy Dodis, Sam Gunn
- On the Power of Oblivious State Preparation James Bartusek, Dakshita Khurana
- Succinct Randomized Encodings from Non-compact Functional Encryption, Faster and Simpler Nir Bitansky, Rachit Garg
- How Much Public Randomness Do Modern Consensus Protocols Need? Joseph Bonneau, Benedikt Bünz, Miranda Christ, Yuval Efron
- Arc: Accumulation for Reed--Solomon Codes Benedikt Bünz, Pratyush Mishra, Wilson Nguyen, William Wang
- Good things come to those who wait: Dishonest-Majority Coin-Flipping Requires Delay Functions Joseph Bonneau, Benedikt Bünz, Miranda Christ, Yuval Efron
- CountCrypt: Quantum Cryptography between QCMA and PP Eli Goldin, Tomoyuki Morimae, Saachi Mutreja, Takashi Yamakawa