CVCL::UFTheoremProducer Member List

This is the complete list of members for CVCL::UFTheoremProducer, including all inherited members.

applyLambda(const Expr &e)CVCL::UFTheoremProducer [virtual]
d_checkProofsCVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
d_emCVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
d_holeCVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
d_pfOpCVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
d_theoryUFCVCL::UFTheoremProducer [private]
d_tmCVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
newAssumption(const Expr &thm, const Proof &pf, int scope=-1)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
newLabel(const Expr &e)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e1, const Expr &e2)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e1, const Expr &e2, const Expr &e3)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e1, const Expr &e2, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, Expr::iterator begin, const Expr::iterator &end)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e, Expr::iterator begin, const Expr::iterator &end)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, Expr::iterator begin, const Expr::iterator &end, const std::vector< Proof > &pfs)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Expr > &args)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e, const std::vector< Expr > &args)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e, const std::vector< Proof > &pfs)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const Expr &e1, const Expr &e2, const std::vector< Proof > &pfs)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Proof > &pfs)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Expr > &args, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Expr > &args, const std::vector< Proof > &pfs)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const Proof &label, const Expr &frm, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const Proof &label, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::vector< Proof > &labels, const std::vector< Expr > &frms, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newPf(const std::vector< Proof > &labels, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer
newReflTheorem(const Expr &e, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
newRWTheorem(const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
newRWTheorem3(const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
newTheorem(const Expr &thm, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
newTheorem3(const Expr &thm, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf)CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, protected]
relToClosure(const Theorem &rel)CVCL::UFTheoremProducer [virtual]
relTrans(const Theorem &t1, const Theorem &t2)CVCL::UFTheoremProducer [virtual]
rewriteOpDef(const Expr &e)CVCL::UFTheoremProducer [virtual]
soundError(const std::string &file, int line, const std::string &cond, const std::string &msg)CVCL::TheoremProducer [protected]
TheoremProducer(TheoremManager *tm)CVCL::TheoremProducer
UFTheoremProducer(TheoremManager *tm, TheoryUF *theoryUF)CVCL::UFTheoremProducer [inline]
withAssumptions()CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline]
withProof()CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline]
~TheoremProducer()CVCL::TheoremProducer [inline, virtual]
~UFProofRules()CVCL::UFProofRules [inline, virtual]

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