CVCL::Theorem Member List

This is the complete list of members for CVCL::Theorem, including all inherited members.

clearAllFlags() const CVCL::Theorem
compare(const Theorem &t1, const Theorem &t2)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
compare(const Theorem &t1, const Expr &e2)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
compareByPtr(const Theorem &t1, const Theorem &t2)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
d_thmCVCL::Theorem [private]
getAssumptions() const CVCL::Theorem
getAssumptionsCopy() const CVCL::Theorem
getAssumptionsRec(std::set< Expr > &assumptions) const CVCL::Theorem [private]
getAssumptionsRef() const CVCL::Theorem
getCachedValue() const CVCL::Theorem
getExpandFlag() const CVCL::Theorem
getExpr() const CVCL::Theorem
getLeafAssumptions(std::vector< Expr > &assumptions, bool negate=false) const CVCL::Theorem
getLHS() const CVCL::Theorem
getLitFlag() const CVCL::Theorem
getProof() const CVCL::Theorem
getRHS() const CVCL::Theorem
getScope() const CVCL::Theorem
isAbsLiteral() const CVCL::Theorem
isAssump() const CVCL::Theorem
isFlagged() const CVCL::Theorem
isNull() const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
isRewrite() const CVCL::Theorem
matches(const Expr &e) const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
operator!=(const Theorem &t1, const Theorem &t2)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Theorem &t)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
operator=(const Theorem &th)CVCL::Theorem
operator==(const Theorem &t1, const Theorem &t2)CVCL::Theorem [friend]
print() const CVCL::Theorem
print(std::ostream &os, const std::string &name) const CVCL::Theorem
printDebug() const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
printx() const CVCL::Theorem
proves(const Expr &e) const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
recursivePrint(int &i) const CVCL::Theorem [private]
refutes(const Expr &e) const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
setCachedValue(int value) const CVCL::Theorem
setExpandFlag(bool val) const CVCL::Theorem
setFlag() const CVCL::Theorem
setLitFlag(bool val) const CVCL::Theorem
Theorem(TheoremManager *tm, const Expr &thm, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf, bool isAssump=false, int scope=-1)CVCL::Theorem [private]
Theorem(TheoremManager *tm, const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs, const Assumptions &assump, const Proof &pf, bool isAssump=false, int scope=-1)CVCL::Theorem [private]
Theorem(TheoremManager *tm, const Expr &e, const Proof &pf)CVCL::Theorem [private]
Theorem()CVCL::Theorem [inline]
Theorem(const Theorem &th)CVCL::Theorem
Theorem3 classCVCL::Theorem [friend]
TheoremProducer classCVCL::Theorem [friend]
toString() const CVCL::Theorem [inline]
withAssumptions() const CVCL::Theorem
withProof() const CVCL::Theorem
~Theorem()CVCL::Theorem [virtual]

Generated on Thu Apr 13 16:57:44 2006 for CVC Lite by  doxygen 1.4.4