Course Webpage

Best source of answers

Second best source of answers

Publisher's website for Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java

Joanna's office hours: Tuesday 9:30 - 11:00 AM, Thursday: 10:30 - 12:00. Room 328WWH.

Recitation 12 (week of Dec. 9)

CS Dept. final exam schedule

OpenDSA: Open Source Interactive Data Structures and Algorithms AVL Trees and the animation from the course notes.

Recitation 11 (week of Dec. 2)

Fill out online course evaluations!
Assignment 6 - Graphs
Assignment 7
Come with questions (email them to me ahead of time if possible). For Eric's section this is the last recitation!

Recitation 10 (week of Nov. 25)

Assignment 6 - Graphs initial discussion.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

Assignment 3 solutions + test + broken implementations.

Recitation 9 (week of Nov. 18)

Assignment 5 discussion.

Recitation 8 (week of Nov. 11)

CS Dept. final exam schedule


Recitation 7 (week of Nov. 4)

Assignment_4.pdf as of Oct. 30.
We will discuss the assignment and I will try to answer any questions you have.
createTreeManually sample code

Recitation 6 (week of Oct.28)


Assignment 2 solutions and tests:

How to use Iterator? tutorial. - binary search tree implementation with iterators (from Liang, "Intoduction to Java Programming", chapter 27)
BST animation
Huffman Coding animation

Recitation 5 (weeks of Oct.14 and Oct.21)

Writing hash functions:

Bitwise and Bitshift Operators

Assignment_3.pdf as of Oct. 19.

Recitation 4

Assingment 1 solutions:
Broken Examples that were used to test your test cases.
Test Cases that were used to test your implementation.

Assingment 2

If your debugging techniques are limited to using System.out.print() statements, then you are not using the tools available in Eclipse. Make sure that you know how to use the debugger - it will save you a lot of time when writing code.

Exception Handling

Recitation 3

Academic Email Etiquette:

New Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:00, Thursdays 10:30 - 12:00, Room 328WWH.


Java documentation on

Recitation 2


Command line on Windows:

Assignment submission protocol:

A few things you should know from before:

Testing = hacking the code

The following source code files contain an implementation of the linked list (unsorted list of doubles that is implemented iteratively). You can easily write test cases to make the first version fail. The second version solves some of the problems of the first version, but not all.

Recitation 1

Office hours: Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 - 11:00 am

Contact me by email at

Use course Forums on NYU Classes for any questions related to the course material and assignment. Use email only for personal matters.

Notes on basics Eclipse/Java/Ocaml installation and Linux/Unix command line use.

UPenn OcaIDE installation instructions.