[SMT-COMP] SMT-COMP 2015: Benchmarks and Tools Available

Tjark Weber tjark.weber at it.uu.se
Thu Jun 4 10:09:36 EDT 2015

Dear SMT-COMP participants,

Following the 2015-06-01 release of SMT-LIB, we have now collected most
benchmarks that are eligible for the competition in the 'Main track'
and 'Application track' sub-spaces of the 'SMT-COMP 2015' space on
StarExec. (At this point, a small number of benchmarks still needs to
be added to these spaces.)

Specifically, benchmarks with unknown status, and benchmarks that
contain bit-vector division, have not been included.

Moreover, the competition tools (including the benchmark scrambler and
trace executor) are available at

We encourage you to use these benchmarks and tools to conduct small
test runs of your solver(s) in the next few days. Please use StarExec
responsibly, and let us know as soon as possible if you notice any


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