Experimental Data and Code for Cxyz Algorithm
For Experimental Data and some figures, please see:
For codes of PV, Cxyz and Cxyze, please download at:
For Experimental Data and some figures, please see:
For running the code:
1. Install Eclipse and JRE.
2. Download the above code, and upzip into workspace folder.
3. Eclipse->File->New->Java Project->Create project from existing source->choose the folder where the code is unziped
4. para.txt is for configuring the input parameter.
In Cxyz.zip, the first parameter is for choosing algorithms from pv, cxyz and cxyze, In Rect3.zip, the first parameter is the maximum aspect ratio.
For both codes, the second parameter is the path of input file, the third parameter is the size factor, the 4th-9th parameter define the initial box.
5. Run outputObj.java. The output will be an .obj file in output folder. One could use softwares like MeshLab to open the .obj file.