can be used
to put a cedilla on a letter `c' (either case), but on no other
letter. So the following is legal
Der K{\"o}nig sa\ss{} am wei{\ss}en Strand von Cura\c{c}ao und nippte an einer Pi\~{n}a Colada \ldotsand produces
Der König saß am weißen Strand von Curaçao und nippte an einer Piña Colada ...Not available in HTML are
Ji{\v r}\'{\i}
, or Erd\H{o}s
(You can tell Hyperlatex to simply typeset all these letters without
the accent by using the following in the preamble:
Hyperlatex also understands the following symbols:
oe \oe
å \aa
¿ ?`
¡ !`
æ \ae
ø \o
ß \ss
Ø \O
§ \S
© \copyright
¶ \P
£ \pounds
and \qquad
produce some empty space.