1. The most typical example of a texture T is a 2-dimensional rectangular image: T(s,t) where s,t are texture coordinates and T(s,t) is a RGB or RGBA value called texel (for "texture element").
  2. But T can be one, three or four dimensional as well: T(s), T(s,t,r) and T(s,t,r,q) respectively.
    -- NOTE: The t-coordinate defaults to 0. The r-coordinate is not used at present but defaults to 0. The q-coordinate is the normalizing coordinate, that defaults to 1.
  3. In OpenGL, the texel values could be 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-component, with the following interpretation
    Number of Components Type of Components
    1 L (Luminance)
    2 L and A (Alpha)
    3 RGB
    4 RGBA
  4. How these components are used is discussed in modulating and blending textures.