Visualization, Spring'98, Yap
In addition to the usual teams, you
need to coordinate across teams!
Below we specify a number of tasks.
For the task of your first choice, give us
a short description of what you need to do,
and how you intend to do it. This will help us
in selecting which group to do which task.
--We will do this in class today (March 5)!
We then post all the tasks assigned
to teams, with email information, so that
you could contact each other.
Two or more teams may get the same task
(you should be cooperate even more, and
share information, in this case).
Although there are dependencies between tasks,
we expect you to go ahead with
your task as much as possible. If necessary,
we will intervene to clarify the interface
between two teams.
Finally, we will have a class in which all of you will
demo your tasks.
- MARCH 5 (Thursday):
Assignment of tasks to teams and completion of specs.
- MARCH 12 (Thursday):
Refinement of specs when teams get together.
Details of how to carry out tasks clarified.
- MARCH 26 (Thursday):
HW3 due.
- APRIL 2 (Thursday): Class Presentation.
- Neighborhood generator:
Not only do you generate the files, but
we want you to write a simple OpenGL program
that can display the neighborhood map.
Also, produce several nbhd.param files and
their corresponding outputs.
- Street generator:
Not only do you need to generate street.detail
files, you should write a simple OpenGL program
that can display your street.detail file
(for any given camera/eye parameters).
Note that you are responsible for some street
life (cars, people, etc) to create realism.
You need to a small collection of textures for
street surfaces and pavements, etc, to do
your work. Produce a few textures on your own
initially, but work with the texture task
for the rest.
Produce several interesting street.param
and street.detail files.
- Block generator:
analogous to the street generator task above.
- Texture task:
Your goal is to generate a large library of
interesting textures. Part of your
job is to categorize these in
a manner that can be used by
the other teams.
The easiest is to scan textures
from magazines.
If you want to use digital cameras to shoot pictures
please talk to me.