Hw3 SPECS 1. We have 4 major parts: (1) neighborhood generator (2) block generator (3) street generator (4) detail features Each team is to work on one of these parts. There may be 2 or more teams working on the same part, basically independently, but they can share information. They should also consult other groups whose output is used as their input. The interface between these parts will be specified in this hw. 2. Neighborhood Generator: Input is -- a polygon (not too complex, say, less than 8 sides, and basically convex) -- with street entrances and exits on tbe boundary of the polygon. --Each street has a name, an entry point, exit point entry point width, exit point width. Global Neighborhood parameters: (a) average height of building (in feet) (b) variation of height (c) residential/commercial/mixed (d) average number of building (e) variation in number of building (f) special landmarks (which are actual location on) OUTPUT: (A) STREET FILE -- a street file in which each street is composed of a sequence of "street segments", joined by "street intersection". -- a street segment is basically a quadrilateral. -- a street intersection is a convex polygon (usually quadrilateral) -- each street segments has some assigned global parameters (street name, pavement width, number of street lamps, 1way-or-2way street, center divider, the ID of blocks on each side of street etc) -- boundary streets are those that bound the neighborhood. These are treated slightly differently (for now, we just mark it but do nothing else). (B) BLOCK FILE -- a block file which is just a list of polygons (again, convex and generally quadrilateral, but can have more sides if necessary). -- each block has an ID -- its global parameters include (a) the ID's of bounding street segments (b) average height and variation (c) number of buildings (d) variation of building sizes (e) residential/commercial/mixed