Visualization, Spring'98, Yap



-- neighborhood name
-- a polygon (usually not too complex, and basically convex -- these are typical, not mandated)
-- with street entrances and exits on tbe boundary of the polygon.
-- Each street has a name, an entry point, exit point entry point width, exit point width.
Neighborhood Parameters (defaults will apply if not specified)
(a) average height of building (in feet)
(b) variation of height
(c) residential/commercial/mixed
(d) average number of building
(e) variation in number of building (or other distribution parameters).
(f) special landmarks (which are actual location on)
NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARIES: Each boundary edge of a neighborhood have one or more of the following attributes:
(a) Has a street or has no street.
-- If we join two neighborhoods along a common boundary edge, then we should place a street on that edge in exactly one of the two neighborhoods.
(b) Water edge (river or sea)
(c) Land edge (e.g., forest or field)
-- A graphics preview of the final layout in two dimension
-- Support queries over primitives based on locations and parameters.
-- Given a viewpoint, it should form an approximate scene including only visible objects.
-- Give a default good view point