1.  Note that we plan to pick out some good solutions
	and make them available to the class. 
	Please let us know if you have problems
	with this policy!

   2.  Each homework solution should be put in
	its own subdirectory. E.g., ~yap/hw/hX for homework X
	where X=1,2,3, etc.
	The main program should be named hX.c.

   3.  Each homework subdirectory, besides its source
	code and data files, should also contain four files:
		1. Makefile
		3. hX.c (for homework X=1,2,3,...)
		4. executable file called hX
	It should be sufficient to type "make" to compile hX.

   4.  The README file contains:
		1. Identifies it as Homework X (X=1,2,3,...)
		2. Identifies your team members
			(email of team members must be listed)
		3. Brief statement saying who is (mainly) responsible
			for which part of the program
		4. User instructions (how to compile, how to run,
			and any special instructions)
		5. Report: you may tell us about any interesting
			experience you have in doing this homework.
			Or anything you may want to do (if you had time),

   5.  Submission of homework is easy:
	-- email the location of the subdirectory to the T.A. (chenli@cs).
	-- But be sure to also cc to yap@cs.
	-- Also cc to EACH of your team members.

   6.  Since the SGI machines have about 4 different versions of IRIX,
	please make Riemann (a.k.a. scivis) the default platform.
	In particular, the executable file you put in your directory
	ought to run on scivis.  Recall that from any other machines,
	you can rlogin to scivis to compile your programs.
	Also, on scivis, there are several runtime libraries
	but n32 seems to be the default.
	To test or run a graphics program on scivis, you will need
	to do two things.  Assume you are currently logged into scivis
	from archimedes.
		(a) Tell scivis to send the graphics
		output to the machine you are currently using.
		Issue the following command to scivis:
			% setenv DISPLAY archimedes:0
		(b) Tell archimedes to accept graphics outputs
		from scivis:
			% xhost + scivis