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Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) is a universal paradigm for interacting with computers today. GUI elements include windows, scroll bars, radio buttons, text input windows, etc. GUI is studied under the topic of Human Computer Interfaces (HCI). We view GUI's purely as a tool towards our goals in visualization. In particular, we need to understand the GUI model of Java.

The GUI model of Java comes in two flavors. The original model is called Abstract Windowing Toolkit or AWT for short. A newer model, since Java 1.2, is Swing Toolkit. There is a perception that Swing replaces AWT. This is not exactly true. Here is one way to see their connection: AWT has two subsystems, a graphics imaging subsystem and a user-interface subsystem. Both were limited in their ability to achieve sophisticated design goals. Swing is really the replacement for the user-interface subsystem. We also see where Java 2D comes into this landscape: it is the replacement for the graphics imaging subsystem of AWT.


[1] Java 2D Graphics, J.Knudsen, O'Reilly
[2] Java2D, Hardy
[3] Core Web Programming, M.Hall and L.Brown, Sun.
[4] Graphic Java, D.M.Geary, Sun.

It is part of the core classes for Java 2 Platform (formerly JDK 1.2). So you can immediately access Java 2D on the Java 2 Platform. The original 2D graphics API is found in AWT, in the following packages: In Java2D, 5 new packages are available: The last package (image.renderable) is a bridge to Java Advanced Imaging API (JAI), which we will not treat. There is also com.sun.image.codec.jpeg. Although not an official part of Java, it is included in JDK1.3.

The Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) in JDK1.0 and 1.1 can be split into two parts: the User Interface (UI) and the drawing toolkit. In Java 2, the UI became Swing, and the drawing toolkit became Java2D. Java2D is part of JFC and part of Java Media APIs. Java2D API can draw on AWT components and Swing components.

Since it is part of core Java 2, there is no special package to download (except possibly for com.sun.image.codec.jpeg). The starting point for doing Java2D graphics is the Graphics2D class. Hence you must import this package:

To produce any graphical image, you call methods of the Graphics2D class. So the first step is to get a Graphics2D object. Below we indicate how to obtain such an object. For backward compatibility, a Graphics object from the original java.awt can be cast into a Graphics2D object.

A Graphics2D object stores a set of attributes objects. The states of these objects are collectively known as the Graphics2D's rendering context. There are 7 attributes: pen style, fill style, compositing style, transform, clip, font and rendering hints. The corresponding methods to set them are setStroke, setPaint, setComposite, setTransform, setClip, setFont, setRenderingHints.

Note that Graphics2D holds references to the attribute objects, not clones. This means if you change an attribute object during rendering, you must call the appropriate set methods (above) to inform Graphics2D; otherwise you get unpredictable behavior.

After setting up the rendering context, you are ready to produce render graphical images. Graphics2D can render three kinds of data: (1) Geometric Shapes (e.g., lines, rectangles, polygons) (2) Text (a string of characters) (3) Raster Images.

Graphics2D has four rendering methods:
(a) draw: renders the outline of a geometric shape, following the stroke or paint attributes.
(b) fill: renders a geometric shape by filling it with color or pattern specified by the paint attribute.
(c) drawString: renders a text string, following on the font and paint attributes.
(d) drawImage: renders an image.

Note that (a) draw and (b) fill are for geometric shapes. For backward compatibility and convenience, the analogous rendering methods from the original Graphics are available: drawX and fillX (where X = Oval, Arc, Rect) are available. This is convenient because you can get these basic shapes in a single instruction. But remember that only integer coordinates are supported by these methods.

In the simplest case, suppose you want to render geometric shapes in a Component (AWT) or a JComponent (Swing). Each Component is automatically given Graphics object. Moreover, the paint(Graphics g) method of the component is given this object as argument. In this case, you simply derive a Graphics2D object from this Graphics object, as part of your override of the paint(g) method:

This code is seen in the HelloWorld.java program.

The HelloWorld.java program in this directory uses a frame component to display all the GUI elements are derived from the Component class.

AWT defines the Component class, from which all windows and GUI controls are derived. E.g., an Applet is a window type, and a radio button is a GUI control. Thus, Applets and radio buttons are derived from Components. All Components has the paint() method (see [3] p.473 for complete list).

Some Components can contain other Components. E.g., a Panel Component. Such Components are derived from the Container class which is in turn derived from the Component class (of course). One method of Container classes is add(Component c). (see [3] p.485 for complete list).

There are 8 main window types: components are classified as standalone or otherwise. For simple applications, the standalone Frame Component is the only one you need (see ApplicationFrame below).

The above discusses AWT. Current books tend to emphasize Swing. So what is their difference? AWT relies on "peer-based" rendering to achieve platform independence. But it is difficult to achieve a consistent look-and-feel this way, giving rise to platform-dependent bugs. Swing avoids these problems by using a non-peer-based approach. Thus it is able to faithfully reproduce the look-and-feel of each platform (Windows, Motif, etc), it allows programs to specify the look-and-feel. It also has a new look-and-feel, called "Metal". Two problems with Swing are (1) it is not fully supported by all browsers and hence is less reliable on the web, and (2) it may be slower than AWT. See [3], chapter 13. Hence most of our examples of Java2D is based AWT rather than Swing. We will briefly mention how to accomplish the same with Swing.

Above, we illustrated what is perhaps most typical method of grabbing a Graphics2D object: from a component. Another method is through an Applet (but this is really a derived Component, but more later).

Let us go through the process in detail. You need to first decide on a Component to display the Graphics2D object. Usually, you need to set up a Component for the screen, which in turn must be placed in some Container with Listeners activated. The simplest Component to use is the Frame which is standalone (see above).

The following ApplicationFrame class from Knudsen (p.8) is useful for displaying a Graphics2D object. Most of our basic examples will use it by subclassing it and overriding its paint() method.

We now show a second method of getting a Graphics2D object, from an image. Reference [2, chap.11].

A Graphics2D object is device-dependent: for instance, when obtained from a Component, it knows about how to draw on the screen. When obtained from an image, it knows how to display that image. The concept of an Image in the original AWT is device-independent, and basically stores a raster image. The Java2D counterpart of Image is called a BufferedImage, found in the package java.awt.image.BufferedImage. This package is critical for more advanced image processing of Java2D. Unlike its parent java.awt.Image which has no easy access to the image data, BufferedImage provides a complete set of methods to manipulate image bits.

What is the relation between Graphics2D and BufferedImage? Well, a BufferedImage object has the method createGraphics() to return an associated Graphics2D object, which in turn can be used to draw or manipulate the raster image. This process is illustrated in the next program.

We use the Utilities class from [1, p.199]. For our present purposes, we focus on the method makeBufferedImage(Image im) which converts a Image to a BufferedImage.

We have already seen two specific uses of Graphics2D objects. We summarize the four basic steps:
(1) Acquire a Graphics2D object. E.g., from a Component.
(2) Set up attributes of the "graphic context". E.g., font attributes.
(3) Select the "graphic object" to render. E.g., text.
(4) Apply the appropriate rendering operation. E.g., drawString.

Let us elaborate on the 4 steps:

(1) This is the only device-dependent step. There are 3 main devices: monitor, image buffer and printer. We have already illustrated the first two devices. For each, you acquire the corresponding Graphics2D object differently:

(a) Monitor device: typically, you acquire this my constructing a GUI component such as Panel (AWT) or JFrame (Swing). The method paint(g) in such an object is automatically given a graphics object when it is invoked by the system. RECALL that you do not call paint(g) directly! For backwards compatibility to AWT, g is a Graphics object. So in Java2D, you first cast g into a Graphics2D object: Alternatively, java.awt.Component.getGraphics() will return such an object.

(b) Printer device: if P is a printable object (analogous to Component), then P has a paint(g) method which takes a Graphics object g as input parameter. By implementing P.paint(g), you can use this Graphics(2D) object.

(c) Offscreen Image Buffer: There are getGraphics() and createGraphics() methods for such buffers. First, we need to get an Image object:

To avoid implementing this abstract method, the simplest solution is to obtain a Toolkit subclass thus:

Alternatively: use the createImage() method, which avoids caching [p.182, Knudsen].

If you want BufferedImage bI from an Image iM, you first construct a BufferedImage object bI (of some height and width, etc). Then, invoke bI.createGraphics() to return a Graphics2D object g2. Finally, use Image in iM to draw on bI. This is illustrated in the following method

which is in the Utilities class defined in [2, p.198]. See below.

NOTE: the above is better explained in Geary [4] (chapter 3), who avoids the abstract methods by In particular, the fact that getGraphics() returns only a reference to a *copy* of the original Graphics object is important to know in some contexts! See [4, p.34] for an example.

(2) Attributes of the graphic context are classified under stroke, paint, composite, transform, clip, font, hints.

(3) Graphics2D objects can render three kinds of objects:
(a) geometric forms (under java.awt.Shape),
(b) text, and
(c) images (under java.awt.image.BufferedImage)

(4) The rendering method depends on the object to be rendered. Suppose s is a Shape object (see below). To draw s in red color on the Graphics2D object g2, we simply do:

If you want to render a gray text, you proceed thus:

Above we used common geometric shapes such as rectangles and lines. We now consider the general situation.

We begin with the most basic geometric object, the point. In AWT, you have the Point class. In Java2D, this becomes the class Point2D. It is an abstract class, but it has 2 inner classes, Point2D.Double and Point2D.Float which have concrete implementations! Note that Point objects have integer coordinates, in contrast to Point2D.Float or Point2D.Double. The methods of Point2D are: setLocation(x,y), getX(), getY(), distance(P).

This pattern of abstract class having inner classes which provide implementations will be repeated for the other geometric objects (Lines, QuadCurves, etc).

Points are not directly renderable: only shapes are renderable, and points are used in describing shapes.

A shape is mainly defined by a PathIterator. A path iterator is simply a sequence of ßegment drawing instructions". There are 5 segment instructions:

Shapes are either Areas or GeneralPath. Areas are regions of the plane and Boolean operators are defined on such areas. GeneralPath includes the following special cases: Line2D, QuadCurve2D, CubicCurve2D, RectangularShape. Finally, RectangularShape has Rectangle2D, RoundRectangle2D, Arc2D, Ellipse2D as subclasses.

The simplest curve is a straight line segment, which is simply (but misleadingly) called Line2D in Java2D. As with Point2D, this is an abstract class with inner classes Line2D.Float and Line2D.Double.

While AWT's know about specific shapes such as rectangles, circles, etc, Java2D deals with a generalization called a Shape. The main determinant of a Shape is a path comprisng path segments which have one of 5 types: SEG_MOVETO, SEG_LINETO, SEG_QUADTO, SEG_CUBICTO, SEG_CLOSE. This path is represented by the class PathIterator, where the iterator terminology is familiar from other areas of programming: the idea of an iterator is that you can traverse a list of items, have the notion of a current position, ability to position yourself at the starting position, moving to the next position, and checking if you have reached the end position. It is clear that this will be very useful for drawing the path. To obtain the PathIterator of a Shape s, we call the method s.getPathIterator().

For instance, the shape Rectangle2D(0, 0, x, y) has the PathIterator that the amounts to the following:

There are facilities to construct a construct a GeneralPath which has properties of a Shape (e.g., you can call a Graphics2D object to draw it). You contruct a GeneralPath by adding one path segment at a time.

See DragKing.java (p. 43, Knudsen), reproduced in this directory. You will see a line, quadCurve and cubicCurve, with their control points and control tangents. You can interactively click on any control point and drag it. The curve would continuously change as you drag. Great demo.

To render text on a graphics object g, you just say g.drawString("Hello World!", x, y). This means the lower-left corner of the message "Hello World!" is at position (x,y). The usual graphics coordinate system is assummed with (0,0) at the top left. But what exactly is the lower-left corner of a string? We need some terminology from typography: there is a base line that letters like ä" or "z" sits on. So the base line passes through (x,y).

In Java2D, there is advanced support for fonts. To use fonts, we first to choose a "logical font family" (e.g., TimesRoman, Courier, SanSerif, Helvetica, DialogInput). For a list of what is available, do <pre> String fontNames[] = getToolkit().getFontList(); for (int i=0; i<fontName.length; i++) System.out.println(fontNames[i]); </pre> Within each family, you can choose styles (PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC) and font size (e.g., 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 36). E.g., here is how you set the font for a label component: <pre> Label l = new Label; Font f = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.ITALIC, 12); l.setFont(f); l.setText("This is in TimesRoman"); </pre>

In general, the setFont(f) method will set fonts for components. To get more information about fonts, you need to use the font metrics (g.Fontmetrics).

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