UCOMMENT -- Tell us about your experience with SDTS! We would like to hear from you about the packaging and format used for this DEM product. We invite your comments on your experiences with importing an SDTS dataset. Please take a few moments to fill this out, and return it to us so we can continue to improve our digital product delivery. Participation is optional, and you don't have to answer all of the questions. Thank you for your time. If you would like to make general comments about the digital data content, not specific to the format of the information, you may contact the Earth Science Information Center in Rolla, Missouri at 573-308-3500 or send e-mail to mcmcesic@usgs.gov. (1) Were you able to load/import the SDTS data set into your system? _ YES _ NO (2) How would you rate the load/import process? _ (A) Relatively easy with minor or no problems. _ (B) Some difficulty, but would accept SDTS data again. _ (C) Too difficult for routine use. _ (F) Never got it to work. (3) What hardware and software were you using to do the load/import? _ DOS _ Win95/NT _ Unix _ MAC Software Vendor and Product Name: (4) How would you rate yourself as a GIS user? _ Novice _ Experienced _ Expert (5) Any other comments? (6) Tell us about yourself and your plans to use the DEM data. (This information is for internal use and will not be released.) Name: Company: E-mail: How do you plan to use the DEM data? Please send this via e-mail to sdts@usgs.gov or print a copy and mail it to: USGS SDTS Feedback, MS 821 1400 Independence Road Rolla, MO 65401 Attn: Dan Henke