; v22.0201.002, fall97. title t_fs.asm .model small comment# To test the use of the extra segment registers, FS and GS, available in INTEL 80386. See chap 20.1.2 mentions them. Apparently, they work just fine. But be sure to include the ".386" directive below! end comment# .stack 100h .data if1 include ..\mac\basic.mac endif .386 x db 'N' y db 'Y' .code start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax ; mov ah,2 mov dl,byte ptr fs:x ; print 'N' int 21h ; mov dl,byte ptr gs:y ; print 'Y' int 21h ; newline ;macro pause 'type any key' ;macro ; exitdos ;macro end start