; V22.0201.002, machine org I; fall 97; yap. title asc_box.asm comment# Illustrating use of extended ascii character sets to draw simple graphics (in this case, a box with single lines). end comment# .model small .stack 100h .data ; the following suffices to draw a box corner_nw equ 0dah corner_ne equ 0bfh corner_sw equ 0c0h corner_se equ 0d9h vertical equ 0b3h horizontal equ 0c4h .code start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax ; ; In this simple example, I just draw the nw corner 25 times ; you can easily extend this into drawing a box... mov ah,9 mov al,corner_nw mov bh,0 mov bl,0fh ; fore black, back white mov cx,25 int 10h ; mov ax,4c00h int 21h end start