comment + RANDOM.COM Designed and written by Wilson Seto Version 1.10 Inspired by Nathan Hull and Lord ERM Idea borrowed from TURBO C & PASCAL Terminate and stay resident random number generator. HOW TO ASSEMBLE: tasm random.asm tlink random.obj /t HOW THIS WORKS: First check to see if already installed, if not then do so, else abort. Print the appropriate message. To get a random number do an INT 62H with AX equal to the desired range value. The random number is created by shifting, adding, multiplying, and dividing the seed values. The number returned in AX is between 0 and the range value, all other registers are unchanged. end comment + page 60,130 cseg segment assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg assume es:cseg, ss:cseg org 100h start: jmp short check ;---------TSR routine----------------------------------------------------------- constant dw 8405h ;multiplier value seed1 dw ? seed2 dw ? ;random number seeds int_62h proc far or ax,ax ;range value <> 0? jz abort ;if not then abort push bx push cx push dx push ds push ax ;save the range value push cs pop ds ;ds = cs mov ax,seed1 mov bx,seed2 ;load seeds mov cx,ax ;save seed mul constant ;(dx,ax) = ax * constant shl cx,1 shl cx,1 shl cx,1 add ch,cl add dx,cx add dx,bx shl bx,1 ;begin scramble algorithm shl bx,1 add dx,bx add dh,bl mov cl,5 shl bx,cl add ax,1 adc dx,0 mov seed1,ax mov seed2,dx ;save results as the new seeds pop bx ;get back range value xor ax,ax ;clear register xchg ax,dx ;adjust ordering div bx ;ax = trunc((dx,ax) / bx), dx = (r) xchg ax,dx ;return remainder as the random number pop ds pop dx pop cx pop bx abort: iret ;return to caller int_62h endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------Initialization routine------------------------------------------------ check: mov ax,3000h ;get DOS version int 21h cmp al,3 ;DOS version 3.0 or higher? jae chk_vec mov dx,offset wrong_dos ;incorrect DOS version, inform user quit: mov ah,9 int 21h int 20h ;back to DOS chk_vec: mov ax,3562h ;get interrupt vector for int 62h - es:bx int 21h mov di,bx ;es:di points to int 62h mov si,offset int_62h ;point to our copy of int 62h mov cx,16 ;# of bytes to compare cld ;forward string movement repe cmpsb ;compare memory regions jnz install ;if not identical then not installed mov dx,offset loaded ;already loaded, inform user jmp short quit install: mov ah,2ch ;get current time int 21h mov seed1,cx mov seed2,dx ;save as initial seeds mov dx,offset ready mov ah,9 ;print ready message int 21h mov dx,offset int_62h ;point to routine to install - ds:dx mov ax,2562h ;change interrupt 62h vectors int 21h mov dx,offset check ;end of resident code int 27h ;TSR ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------Data area------------------------------------------------------------- wrong_dos db 13,10,10,'Requires DOS V3.0 or higher!',13,10,10,7,7,36 loaded db 13,10,10,'Random number generator is already loaded.' db 13,10,10,7,7,36 ready db 13,10,10,'Random number generator V1.1 loaded.',13,10,10,36 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cseg ends end start