;ChoongHong Oh TITLE PGM5: SET DISPLAY EXTRN ELE_TOP : WORD EXTRN SCORING : NEAR PUBLIC SETUP_DISPLAY .MODEL SMALL IF1 INCLUDE G_MACRO.ASM INCLUDE macro.ASM ENDIF .CODE SETUP_DISPLAY PROC ;this procedure sets the graphic mode 12h, 640 x 480, 16colors ;and draws the background, an elevator, and score SAVE_REGS MOV AH, 0 ;set mode MOV AL, 12h ;mode 12h, 640 x 480, 16colors INT 10h MOV AH, 0Bh ;function 0Bh MOV BH, 00h ;select background color MOV BL, 0000b ;black INT 10h DRAW_BACK DRAW_CASTLE DRAW_LADDER DRAW_PULLEY DRAW_MOON 1110b ;display elevator DRAW_ELE ELE_TOP ;display score CALL SCORING RESTORE_REGS RET SETUP_DISPLAY ENDP END