Operating Systems (V22.0202)
Homework 4
Programming of Process Management

POSTSCRIPT (Dec 3, 2006):

Here is the solution. You may use the solution here for doing the next STM project.

Due: Fri Nov 24, 2006.


In this homework, you will take an existing simulator for a toy machine (STM), which runs a single process, and extend it to run multiple processes.

The homework is not technically difficult, but it involves many elements which you need to absorb. So we suggest starting immediately.

There are two parts. In the first part, to help you understand the STM architecture, we ask you to write a simple gcd program for STM.

For the second (main) part, you are to modify STM so that it supports multiple processes. The actual programming involves writing about 80 lines of straightforward C code; in a more compressed style, you may be able to get away with 40 lines. It requires no difficult analysis, only simple features of C, and no clever systems hackery.

How to do this assignment

We suggest doing things in the following order.
  1. Create a new directory, and download stm.c (the source code for the Simulated Toy Machine), three sample STML programs and a Makefile.
    You DO NOT have to figure out how the provided STML programs work (though they're not difficult). But if you are curious, I would be happy to discuss them with you.
  2. Compile and test the program using the given Makefile. E.g., the default target will compile stm.c and run the primes.stm problem.
  3. Read the specs for the Simulated Toy Machine You do NOT have to spend much time reading the section about the STML language.
  4. Write a STML program called "gcd.stm" that reads a pair of numbers m and n, and spits out the sequence of remainders, terminating when it reaches the value gcd(m,n). This warm-up exercise aims to give a better understanding of the workings of STM.
  5. Read the actual homework assignment.
  6. Work through some of example inputs and outputs. In particular, you should compare the output, at debugging level 2, for running two processes with a given input concurrently against the outputs for running the same processes with the corresponding inputs individually.
  7. Work through the C code provided, and figure out how the relevant parts of the code work. The internal workings of the procedures "load_stm", "show_inst", "get_inst", and "exec_inst" do not actually matter to anything you will be doing -- you only have to understand what they do.
  8. Now you can start working on actually writing code for this homework. How to go about this:

Getting help

If you have specific questions, you could email them to the class list, the Grader and/or to me (use your judgement).
NOTE: PLEASE use "yap@cs.nyu.edu" to email to me. Do not use "cy1@nyu.edu" which I never read.


I encourage you to discuss any aspect of the project with your classmates. However, each student MUST write all his/her own code individually. No sharing of any code is acceptable. If you take code taken from any source, you must acknowledge the source in comments in your code.

Submitting your work

Please note the following steps carefully, as we reserve up to 10% of the points to be deducted for failure to follow these instructions.
  1. Your solution must be emailed to the grader Ravi, but cc to me (yap@cs.nyu.edu).
  2. All our previous instructions about how to submit programming assignment still apply (see hw3 instructions). This programming must be done in C; no other programming language will be accepted.
  3. Your submission must include the following files: (0) a textfile file called README, (1) a Makefile (with a capital "M") which is just an extension of the Makefile which we provided, (2) "gcd.stm" (your gcd program in STML), (3) "stm-xxx.c" which is your modified version of stm.c (where xxx is your lastname), (4) the three programs primes.stm, fraction.stm, sort.stm. REMARK: the last 3 programs is to ensure that we can instantly test your program after unpacking the tar file.
  4. Make sure that all your source codes are properly commented.
  5. The README file must identify this project and you, and it must give an overview of your modifications. Data structures and important routines must be identified and explained here.
  6. The Makefile should include these targets: (a) the default target should simply compile stm-xxx.c. (b) A target called "gcd" that runs stm-xxx on your "gcd.stm". (c) Two targets called "t1" and "t2" that test stm-xxx on multiple processes.


  1. This homework is worth 140 points.
  2. 20 points will be for the "gcd.stm" code. Most of the remaining points are for the modifications to stm to allow multi-programming.
  3. Your stm-xxx program will be tested on examples other than those provided here. If it does not compile, you get a maximum of 25 points.
  4. If it only gets as far as beginning execution of each of the STM modules, you get a maximum of 50 points.
  5. Good program structure and adequate commenting are worth 15 points.
  6. Good test targets is worth up to 10 points.
  7. Following our submission instructions is worth up to 20 points.