Java FAQs
Basic Algorithms, Fall 98, Fall 99

  1. How do I get to the Java FAQ list from Sun?
  2. How do I compile and run simple java programs?
  3. How about a Hello World Program?
  4. How do I do simple Java Input/Output?
  5. How to I use and process command line arguments? (This is ``String[] args'' in the main procedure)
  6. What are exceptions?
  7. What is the difference between the type "int" and the type "Integer"?
  8. Where can we get the source files for Java packages (such as java/lang/
  9. How does the automatic documentation facility in java work?
  10. Please give me the first steps into applets!
  11. How do I force the applet to reload?
  12. What are deprecated commands?
  13. What are some common beginner's mistakes?
  14. What are some other faqs collection?
  15. Here are some specialized topics:
  16. Here is a list of miscellaneous facts about Java language

Related FAQs

  1. What are some difference between Java and C++?
  2. Can you please get me started on UNIX?
  3. How do I place documents on my unix account on the web?
  4. I need a basic introduction to the HTML language
  5. How about some useful netscape tricks?

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