• How do I web-publish some documents on my acf5 or omicron accout?

    Suppose you want to publish the file MyPub.html in your acf5 account on the web. Substitute "omicron" for "acf5" throughout, if that is your machine.

    Say your user name is "yap202".

    1. First create under your home directory ~yap202 a new directory called "public_html". The name MUST be exactly as specified. Change its permission so that others can read and execute this file:
      	% cd ~yap202			-- get to your home directory
      	% mkdir public_html		-- create the new directory
      	% ls -l				-- look at its original permission
      	% chmod a+xr public_html	-- change its permission
      	% ls -l				-- look at new permission
    2. Next change the permission of your home directory as well:
      	% chmod a+x ../yap202
    3. Now move your file MyPub.html into the new public_html directory.
    4. To test if it is working, you can now point your netscape browser directly at this URL:
      	% netscape http://acf5.nyu.edu/~yap202/
      You should see a listing of all the files in your public_html directory. Or, if you have a file named "index.html" in this directory, your browser will display this file.
    5. Finally do not forget to complain to NYU and ACF, to remove inane numbers such as "202" in your user name -- surely you pay enough tuition.