How do I force the applet to be reloaded?

This seems to be a perennial problem. It is very annoying when you are debugging applets, since you want to keep reloading the latest version. Here are some solutions that are found on the web:
  1. If you are stuck while trying to develop an applet, the simplest way is to use "appletviewer" instead of a browing.
  2. In Netscape, do shift-reload. In Internet Explorer, do control-reload. [That is, you hold down the shift or control key while clicking the reload button]
  3. In the previous step, you may need to also clear your cache.
  4. According to, hitting a reload will only reload the html page, but not the applet. To force this, you must kill the browser (to stop the Java Virtual Machine), and restart. Note that has other nice resources related to Java and applets.
  5. Another source (, Jan 2003) says that the simplest solution is to let the applet call it self. Add a Button called "reloadButton" to the applet, and register with this button an Actionlistener with the following method:
    	public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    	  if (e.getSource().equals(reloadButton))
    	    getAppletContext().showDocument("applet's url here");
    Someone else suggested directly calling the start() method of the applet.